Through My African Eyes: Hear the Cry of Your Gifts


By Stephen Apollo

We are living in a very busy and fast world that keeps us on the move all the time. Our calendars are fully marked with professional engagements. We have no much time for anything that is not helping us pay our bills and we resign from any road that is not taking us to the home of our career dreams. While on the one hand the cooperate and professional drive is helping many discover their career dreams, on the other hand it is locking possible modes of giftedness in us. There are so many dormant capacities in us that have been muted by the busyness of our professional career drive and agenda. This corporate busyness has a selfish sting whose chemical silences our rather natural gifts and passions.

Certainly, we need to pay our bills and get to the home of our dreams because this is essential. However, you must also give attention to the gifts and abilities that you have outside the four corners of your professional room. Do not elbow out the encourager, the community mobilizer, the singer, the inspirational story teller, the charity champion, the mentor, the environmentalist, the guitarist, the writer, the you know what in you. These capacities wait anxiously and tearfully inside you, longing to be given their chance to impart and impact your world.

Hear the cry of your gifts and attend to them by giving them a chance. As you do this, you will discover that you give yourself a chance to extend your impact in the world. Grow out of a monocentric life by allowing your gifts to elevate you to a multicentric living, where your life is suspended not from a single peg, but from many pegs as your gifts. Hear the cry of your gifts and fuel your passions!

“If you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven't spent a night with a mosquito.”

African Proverb


God's Design of my Seminary Journey


Through My African Eyes: Self Care is not Selfish