Urban Ministry takes Center Stage


It’s time for another edition of the McCormick Herald!  This issue’s cover story recounts McCormicks 2015 Convocation, where Rev. Dr. Deborah J. Kapp was installed as the Edward F. & Phyllis K. Campbell Chair of Urban Ministry.  You can read the full issue by clicking Herald Sept. 23.

Deborah J. Kapp was inaugurated during Opening Convocation on Sept. 9th, marking her elevation to full professor, holding the Edward F. and Phyllis K. Campbell Chair of Urban Ministry.

Dr. Kapp first joined McCormick Faculty in 1995 as Assistant Professor of Ministry. In 2002 she was named Associate Professor of Ministry, only to become the Edward F. and Phyllis K. Campbell Professor of Urban Ministry four years later. She has also served as the Acting Dean of the Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs from 2004-2005 and in the Fall of 2013.

During the service, Deborah offered a reflection upon the unraveling of standard denominational faith journeys, remarking that “Our congregations are not full of cradle Presbyterians or cradle Baptists or Pentecostals anymore; they are instead peopled with folks on individual faith journeys that are looped and zigzagged.”

She went on to ask, “As McCormick adjusts to some of the loops and zigzags of its own journey, and comes to grips with the fact that our part of the American Protestant package really has unwrapped, in what sort of directions will we head?”


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