We Are Seminarians


By Brenda Pogue

Congratulations to us! We’ve completed a year.

We stand triumphant, for we persevere.

To the freshmen not knowing just what to expect,

To the graduates whose expectations were certainly met.

To the middlers who expectantly pushed straight through

As their goals more vividly come into view.

To the part-timers who demonstrate that patience endures.

To the full-timers who demonstrate what endurance procures.

To those who worked daily from nine to five,

Then worked nightly on projects yet to contrive.

To the parents who insured children’s homework was done,

Then tucked them in swiftly, a paper still not begun.

Who are we to accomplish such feats?

We are seminarians. What God starts, God completes.

We are the theologians, called to vocation.

We are those chosen, stretched beyond limitation.

We are pastors, ethicists, professors next in line,

We are deep thinkers, justice seekers, a divine goldmine.

With stalwart ambition, we did not surrender.

When challenges came, God showed us God’s splendor.

So now, dear student, your gained wisdom proceeds you.

Now onward, dear seminarian, the world truly needs you.




Breathe In… Breathe Out!