Associate Pastor (Christian Education), Virginia Beach, VA

Listed: 09-01-22

Employer: First Presbyterian Church Virginia Beach - 300 36th St., Virginia Beach, VA 23451 | (757) 428.6332

Location: Virginia Beach, VA


First Presbyterian Church Virginia Beach is seeking an associate pastor to join us as part of a thriving and vibrant seaside 800+ member church. Candidates should be guided by our Lord Jesus Christ to work collaboratively in developing meaningful faith formation programs (experience preferred), preach insightful sermons at least once per month, and complete other pastoral tasks.

Download: First Presbyterian Church Associate Pastor

What is the congregation’s or organization’s vision for ministry? Additionally describe how this vision is lived out.

First Presbyterian Church of Virginia Beach foresees a future where the congregation continues to feel recharged and renewed spiritually through inspiring worship, Christian education, fellowship, and mission. This renewal and growth will be contagious as we share the good news with our neighbors, surrounding community and the world at large. Members will be guided through our Lord Jesus Christ as we encounter good news in Scripture and are led to find ways to connect these teachings to modern life. As we have for almost 100 years, our community of believers will sustain and uplift each other with understanding and love as we navigate through the different stages of our lives. We are confident that God will provide for us as we continue to try new things in an ever-changing world and into our next 100 years of ministry. Inspired by the grace and truth of Christ to nurture one another’s faith and to do God’s work in the world, we live out our mission and vision through 10 values that describe how we reach up to God and how we reach out to our world. We reach up through worship, preaching, music, prayer, and Bible teaching. These values remind us of Jesus’ commandment, “to love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” We reach out through community ministries, congregational care, financial stewardship, early childhood Christian education, and family. These values remind us of Jesus’ commandment, “love your neighbor as yourself.”

How will this position help you to reach your vision and mission goals?

In 2019, First Presbyterian Church clarified its Mission and Values statements through a thoughtful and comprehensive Mission Study. This effort included surveys from 342 respondents and 22 small group sessions. This process helped us clearly discern where God is leading our church in ministry and mission in today’s world. One of the critical needs the study highlighted, especially in small group interviews, was a need to purposefully develop and support our children and youth programs.  

Through the next Associate Pastor at First Presbyterian, we long to enhance our strong Christian Education program, increasing participation across all ages, drawing in new volunteers, engaging interesting curriculum, and encouraging members to learn and grow together. Additionally, the Mission Study highlighted fellowship, friendship, and mutual care as one of our congregational strengths. Through their work with the Fellowship Committee, we seek an Associate Pastor who can develop new fellowship opportunities for members of all ages and increase involvement into existing fellowship programs, further strengthening a vital ministry of our church.

What specific tasks, assignments, and program areas will this person have responsibility?

Christian Education:

  • Lead Christian Education (CE) Committee in exploring new opportunities; work with CE Committee, Head Pastor, and other staff to plan, resource, and cast vision for a comprehensive CE program for all ages;

  • Strengthen ministry to families through Sunday School, outreach, and additional opportunities for involvement;

  • Evaluates and recommends curriculum for use in Sunday School for all ages;

  • Lead Sunday School teacher recruitment, training, support and supervision;

  • Works with the Beach Day School (BDS) Director in promoting cooperation between the school and FPC, and serves as a resource for BDS;

  • Directly supervises Child Care Workers and provides input for employee evaluations;

  • Work with Head Pastor and Youth Director in the development and execution of a strong Confirmation Program;

  • Serve as staff liaison for Presbyterian Women.


  • Serve as staff liaison to Fellowship Committee;

  • Work with Fellowship Committee to continue/enhance traditional Fellowship events, exploring new possibilities for church fellowship;

  • Invite and encourage new members or those otherwise not involved to invest in church fellowship.

Worship Leadership

  • Preach 12 times annually; share in worship leadership with Head Pastor regularly;

  • Collaborate with Head Pastor and music staff to plan meaningful worship services;

  • Officiate wedding and funerals as needed.

Pastoral Care

  • As needed, assist Head Pastor with pastoral care visits and calls.

Job listings submitted by third parties are not verified by McCormick Theological Seminary. If you have a job you would like to see listed here send the details to


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