Student Interns - First Congregational Church of La Grange, LaGrange, IL

Listed: 08-30-2022

Employer: First Congregational Church of La Grange  - South La Grange Road at Cossitt Avenue, 100 S 6th Ave, La Grange IL 60525 | 708-352-0800


Location: LaGrange, IL

First Congregational Church of La Grange is seeking two student interns.

Download: Intern Position 2022


Previously, we offered 2 student placements of 10 hours per week for 2 academic years with each student rotating out on a different year. The two students rotate through between two “modules.” Both modules explored means by which members of the community witness to and grow in the intersection of faith and life in a post-Christian culture. In both modules, the students were part of the preaching/worship rotation with each student preaching at least a twice a semester and helping to develop, plan, and lead worship on a regular cycle. The driving question for this aspect of the internship is “Where faith and the world intersect, how do we celebrate the grace and extravagant welcome of God in the public setting?”

Module 1: The first module offers experience in the area of faith and spiritual development of youth and adults in both classroom, experiential, and intergenerational settings for post confirmation members of the community. The intern will help in the areas of Stewardship and Worship development. The driving question in this module might be, “In a very different time of being “church,” how do we nurture a Generous, Creative, and Growing Spirit in God’s people of every age ?”

Module 2: The second module would focus primarily on Pastoral Care, Spiritual Development from Birth through Confirmation, and church administration. The intern will also learn about non-profit finance, leadership development, and practicing healthy boundaries. The driving question for this module might be, “As a new “church” unfolds, how do we develop a system of faithful accountability at all levels of the church?”

In both modules, the gifts and abilities of the intern will be considered in developing the goals, objectives, and processes for the term.

We are experimenting with new ways of being the church. As such, everything that our staff and interns try is an experiment. We don’t consider any effort a failure; rather we seek to learn what will and will not work in the re-imagined church in this new age.


We will offer a stipend. The amount will be dependent upon the number of hours of seminary training completed and the number of hours worked on-site each week. The starting rate is $135/week.

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