Full-time Pastor - Latrobe, PA

Listed: 08-25-2022

Employer: Latrobe United Presbyterian Church - 340 Spring St; Latrobe, PA | (724) 539-8881 

Location: Latrobe, PA

Latrobe United Presbyterian Church is seeking a full-time pastor.

Download: Latrobe UP church profile

How will this position help you to reach your vision and mission goals?

Embrace the charge of Matthew 28:19-20 and lead our church to reflect that for ourselves and our surrounding community – as a person who has a heart for bringing the unsaved to Christ.

We recognize the need to seek God’s direction in all things, so we value a pastor who will keep us focused on Scripture and prayer; however, we desire more than just a “Sunday preacher”.

We accept that our pastor will not be able to do everything. We have a dedicated team of workers who are eager to be engaged, but we need a good “coach”. Our pastor will get to know us and our community through everyday encounters, and while caring for our souls, will also care about conversation and building trusting relationships. They will help us discover our gifts, and then how to best use these gifts to give spiritual direction and physical help to others, and to create a strong future by enlisting volunteers, strengthening existing programs, initiating new programs, and appropriately delegating responsibilities to others. Through this pastor’s team-building spiritual direction and guidance, we will continue to build on our strengths, and be inspired to reach out in love to all people and to be involved in God’s work.

Our willingness to receive and explore new ideas and strategies for what God is calling us to do will be welcomed from the pastor candidate. Their ideas will be entertained because the change is needed for our ministry and the future of our church.

Provide a description of the characteristics needed by the person who is open to being called to this congregation and or organization.

A led by the spirit of God believer with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ who has:

  1. a strong commitment to Christ, while projecting the joy of Christ (Galatians 5: 22-23)

  2. a definite sense of God’s calling to be a pastor (a shepherd – 1 Peter 5:

  3. a thorough knowledge of Scripture with an ability to teach it effectively and relevantly (Romans 10:14)

  4. integrity and honesty (Philippians 4:8)

  5. a life marked by prayer, faith, compassion, and love (1 Samuel 12:23)

  6. a vision to strengthen believers and reach the lost for Christ (to become and stay “salt” and “light” – Matthew 5: 13-1

  7. a compassion for the struggles and concerns of others (Hebrews 5:2)

  8. the ability to communicate clearly (Colossians 4:6)

  9. the ability to delegate as appropriate (Exodus 18: 13-24)

  10. spiritual wisdom to discern “which time any time is to do what” - when “to change” and when not “to change” (Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8)

What specific tasks, assignments, and program areas will this person have responsibility?

The worship leader, delivering sermons and teachings from the Bible.

  • Conduct services throughout the year including the sacrament of Holy Communion, baptisms, marriages, and funerals. The pastor will also arrange for the filling of the pulpit during the times they will be absent.

  • The pastor will moderate Session and Congregational Meetings. They will also act as an advisor to all other committees within the Church.

  • They will visit with members and attenders to offer prayer and support during times of sickness and other times of concern. The pastor will also offer home communion to shut ins.

  • The pastor will oversee the administrative functions of the church, coordinating with committee chairs and the choir director. The pastor will also provide direct supervision to the secretary.

  • The pastor will represent the church at the local ministerium and Presbytery meetings.

  • The pastor will familiarize themselves with the youth of the church to provide not only a pastoral relationship to the individual but also when appropriate spiritual guidance for the challenges of growing up.

  • The pastor will engage personally so that all feel welcome and feel pride in individual participation.

Job listings submitted by third parties are not verified by McCormick Theological Seminary. If you have a job you would like to see listed here send the details to communications@mccormick.edu.


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