Solo Pastor - Leesburg, VA

Listed: 08-25-2022

Employer: Leesburg Presbyterian Church - 207 W. Market Street, Leesburg, VA | (703) 777-4163  | 

Location: Leesburg, VA

Leesburg Presbyterian Church is seeking a solo pastor.

Download: Leesburg Ministry Information Form

How will this position help you to reach your vision and mission goals?

We seek a called pastor to help us discern God’s vision for us. Our pastor will lead us as together we chart a path that will help us exemplify our highest ideals and deepest values: 

  • We value community. Specifically, we value the kind of community that knows, accepts, welcomes, cherishes, celebrates, and cares for one another across generations, perspectives, backgrounds, spiritual journeys. We value a community that is present to another in times of joy and sorrow, in worship and service, in fellowship and learning. 

  • We value life alongside one another – children and youth, long-term members and new, young families and old – as we worship, serve, learn and celebrate. We value belonging to one another. 

  • We value a welcoming spirit within our church as well as compassionate, “go-to” people who reach and respond to the world around us. We want a church that blesses our community, that connects our spiritual life to the way we relate to everyday concerns and issues in the world around us. We want to be a place of comfort, community, and safety for a variety of groups. 

Provide a description of the characteristics needed by the person who is open to being called to this congregation and or organization.

Leesburg Presbyterian Church is a thoughtful, connectional church with about 300 members who run the gamut from young families to seniors, liberal to conservative, united in our determination to maintain our connection with God and one another through mutual respect and commitment to truth. Spiritually grounded, we are open-minded seekers eager to learn, question, and grow closer to God. 

  • We are searching for a pastor to join us and lead our spiritually deep and open-minded congregation as we face the future together. 

  • We seek a dynamic pastor with new ideas and bold leadership even as we preserve our heritage. 

  • We seek a courageous pastor with a vision of how ministry in the Reformed tradition can thrive and contribute to a healing world, and the determination to unify us around that vision. 

  • We seek a pastor committed both to preaching and pastoral care. 

  • Finally, we seek a pastor who can build on the healthy foundation of our congregation by helping us work together to discern God’s vision for LPC and plan strategically to grow and adapt to a changing world and community.

What specific tasks, assignments, and program areas will this person have responsibility?

The pastor will oversee a part-time staff of four -- a director of music, a director of youth ministry, a church administrator and a bookkeeper. He or she will be able to rely on a strong session and diaconate as we navigate together the remaining time during the COVID-19 pandemic and, we hope, the transition to a healthy future that aligns with God’s will for us. 

Other primary areas of responsibility for the pastor will include: 

  • Preparing and conducting meaningful worship experiences for the congregation that effectively blend Scripture, preaching, music, liturgy and prayer 

  • Attracting, educating, inspiring and equipping lay leadership in the life of the church, including stewardship development and the training of elders and deacons 

  • Leading the congregation in its mission of reaching out in concern and service to the local community and the world 

  • Providing pastoral care and counseling to the congregation 

  • Developing, with the session, the overall program and staffing of the church 

  • Moderating the session 

  • Participating in the church’s spiritual formation program, to include periodically leading adult studies and a biennial confirmation class 

  • Establishing clear lines of communication both among church staff and between the various programs of the congregation 

  • Representing the congregation in denominational, ecumenical and community life 

Job listings submitted by third parties are not verified by McCormick Theological Seminary. If you have a job you would like to see listed here send the details to


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