Associate Pastor for Youth and Family Ministries, Sycamore Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati, Ohio

Listed: 10-03-22

Employer: Sycamore Presbyterian Church | 11800 Mason Road, Cincinnati, OH 45249 | 513-683-0254

Location: OH



Job description: Associate Pastor for Youth and Family Ministries

Sycamore Presbyterian Church is seeking a high-energy individual with a passion for Family and Youth Ministries to lead us in meeting the challenges of faith formation and program development while growing as a pastoral leader.

We are a vibrant, spiritually connected congregation of approximately 700 members that seeks to be an ever-increasing community where all are accepted and loved into a growing relationship with God. We act on that Vision by investing in people and ministries that Inspire, Connect, and Serve.

The Associate Pastor for Youth and Family Ministries will be the staff lead in developing and executing strategies for building life-long relationships and family bonds within the internal and external Church communities. While exhibiting a passion for God and a Christ-like spirit of love and compassion, the AP will inspire and maintain a collaborative approach to all areas of Youth and Family Ministries.

The AP will be a key contributor to the formation of a new worship experience more relevant to the parents of young children and adolescent youth. He/She will be expected to lead the transformation of SPC into a Church that fosters community spiritual growth and service through discipleship among future generations in ways that we have yet to imagine.

Most importantly, the AP will assist the Lead Pastor in creating ways and means to equip members and the wider Church community to impress the gospel of Jesus Christ on the hearts, minds, and souls of the next generation. This will include selecting and delivering programming to teach, mentor, and recruit lay leaders to invest in the spiritual lives of their children.

What specific tasks, assignments, and program areas will this person have responsibility?

Specific tasks for which the AP will be responsible shall include:

• Will team with Family Ministries to lead programming to teach, mentor, and recruit lay leaders to invest in the spiritual lives of their children and parents.

• Oversee and direct all administrative and programming responsibilities associates with Youth and Family Ministries including budget development, evaluation of support staff, marketing and communications strategies.

• With Family Ministries, will develop goals and objectives for each program and will lead the annual review of each goal and objective.

• Shall recruit and equip congregational and non-congregational community volunteers to participate in programming and associated events.

• Shall teach selected curricula and Bible studies including teaching confirmands and Vacation Bible Study students.

• Exercising independent judgment within budget parameters, he/she shall be authorized to commit SPC in financial matters relating to curriculum development, Mission, special event development and other programming as created and developed.

• Assist the Lead Pastor in leading public worship experiences as they currently exist or may be developed.

• Conduct weddings, funerals, and the administration of Sacraments as scheduled by the Lead Pastor.

• Attend and participate in weekly staff meetings.

• Serve as the primary staff point of contact for Family Ministries and the SPC Pre-School Board, and attend monthly meetings.

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Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, South Boston, VA


Director of Youth Ministry, The Church of the Holy Spirit, Lake Forest, IL