Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, South Boston, VA

Listed: 10-03-22

Employer: First Presbyterian Church | 800 N. Main Street, South Boston, VA 24592 | 434-572-3581

Location: VA



Job description: Pastor, First Presbyterian Church

First Presbyterian Church is seeking a thoughtful and people-oriented teacher and leader to lead the congregation into the future.

First Presbyterian Church was organized in 1842 in Halifax, Virginia. Moving to South Boston in 1877, the people dedicated to the glory of God the present sanctuary in 1887. Educational wings were added in 1921 and in the 1980s. Located now at 800 North Main Street, the building and ministry for God to community and world for over 175 years.

The present congregation is composed of a balance of long-term resident families who join with newcomers to create a vital and life-changing ministry.

The families who make up First Presbyterian Church are a growing and world-changing ministry. Together with other churches, we work to share the good news of Jesus Christ today and tomorrow!

The AP will be a key contributor to the formation of a new worship experience more relevant to the parents of young children and adolescent youth. He/She will be expected to lead the transformation of SPC into a Church that fosters community spiritual growth and service through discipleship among future generations in ways that we have yet to imagine.

Most importantly, the AP will assist the Lead Pastor in creating ways and means to equip members and the wider Church community to impress the gospel of Jesus Christ on the hearts, minds, and souls of the next generation. This will include selecting and delivering programming to teach, mentor, and recruit lay leaders to invest in the spiritual lives of their children.

The Pastor will: 

Worship Leader

  • Preach and lead worship

  • Administer the Celebration of the Sacraments

  • Conduct weddings and funerals


  • Help promote Sunday School

  • Lead and/or assist with small groups

  • Offer classes for new/prospective members


  • Support in missions and service projects

  • Foster strong connections within our church family

  • Identify opportunities to expand the outreach of FPC in the community

Pastoral Care

  • Provide spiritual care for the congregation and those in our midst

  • Continue to develop his or her own spiritual life and growth through education

  • Visit and administer communion for those that are ill or shut-in


  • Uphold expectations set by the Presbytery of the Peaks for a Solo Pastor

  • Plan and moderate Session and congregational meetings

  • Manage the staff at FPC

  • Train newly elected officers

  • Represent FPC when interacting with outside organizations

Job listings submitted by third parties are not verified by McCormick Theological Seminary. If you have a job you would like to see listed here send the details to


Administrative Coordinator, Trauma Healing Initiative (contract)


Associate Pastor for Youth and Family Ministries, Sycamore Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati, Ohio