Associate Pastor, Sequoyah Hills Presbyterian Church, Knoxville, TN

Listed: 12-13-22

Employer: Sequoyah Hills Presbyterian Church | 3700 Keowee Avenue, Knoxville TN 37919 | 865-522-9804


Location: Knoxville, TN

Type: Full-time

Contact: Margaret Ritchie

Download: Job Description 

Sequoyah Hills Presbyterian Church (SHPC) is located just 3 miles from a revitalized downtown and only minutes from the University of Tennessee. In most every way we are a traditionally oriented congregation, in that we desire to always preserve what is faithful and good, answering Christ’s call to be “inwardly strong and outwardly focused.” We are a high functioning well-educated congregation, yet there is a comfortable, familiar, and inviting atmosphere that abounds at SHPC. There is a balanced blend of older adults and young families with children that provides energy to SHPC, enabling us to steadily learn together and nurture one another in our walk with Christ. We also strive to strengthen Christ’s body by answering the challenge to serve our neighbors and the global community. We share our time, talents, and abundant financial resources by supporting multiple local and global benevolences and through our annual mission trips and support of eleven missionaries worldwide, we hope to build lasting relationships and spread outward the good news of the gospel.

As Sequoyah Hills Presbyterian Church, our purpose is to:

GLORIFY God through ministry, prayer and worship, as we
WELCOME all people to a journey of faith in Christ;
CELEBRATE the presence of the Holy Spirit through worship;
SHARE our gifts, talents, time and financial resources;
EQUIP people for discipleship through Christian education;
NURTURE and love each other through fellowship as a family of faith; and SERVE those within Knoxville and throughout the world in Jesus’ name.

SHPC values connectedness within both our church family and the wider body of Christ. We are a church with deep generational roots and relating personally to one another is a strength of SHPC. We demonstrate our commitment to one another and nurture discipleship not only during times of celebration but during times of challenge, as has been the case during the pandemic. We show care for one another through our Stephen Ministry Program and visitation. We are a faith- filled church where Biblically based Christian education is both preached from the pulpit and emphasized in Sunday School. We are blessed and strengthened by our music ministry, especially our chancel choir, which is enhanced by our outreach scholarship program that partners with more than a dozen University of Tennessee music majors each academic year. God has gifted SHPC with extensive facilities and in response we share this sacred place with community groups such as the Scouts and AA. In addition, we welcome our neighbors to play basketball, share in pottery classes, enjoy our playground, and reflect in our labyrinth. A chief aim at SHPC is to meet one another’s needs with the resources God has given us and create a welcoming environment for all of God’s people. Good deeds and the Good News cannot be separated.

How will this position help you to reach your vision and mission goals:

During the past fifteen years, the faith family that is SHPC has sought to be an “inwardly strong, outwardly focused” responder to the good news of Jesus Christ. Our ministerial leadership team, led by the Holy Spirit, faithfully exhibit care, concern, and God’s gracious love. Together we have a strong desire and ability to be a generous church and our ministers challenge us to live out our faith intentionally in our daily lives. Our church family is fueled by Christ’s compassion, but we can always do more. By reshaping existing neighborhood outreach priorities and developing new initiatives, we strive to further link our faith with our feet to better serve our members, our neighbors, and those who aren’t here yet. We seek to sharpen our outward focus and deepen our relational connections with our neighborhood, those in need within our local community and our global mission partners. We eagerly await a highly motivated, compassionate, and creative Associate Pastor to join our Pastoral Team.

Provide a description of the characteristics needed by the person who is open to being called to this congregation and or organization:

Our prayer is that God will provide an Associate Pastor who possesses that “something more” quality in order to lead us through this time of renewed outward focus, to help us deepen connections, and to discern where God is calling our servant selves. SHPC is searching for an able shepherd who desires to learn and develop even more fully all aspects of large church ministry and is a dynamic communicator with developing pulpit skills. We seek someone who is warm and eager to engage, embraces teamwork, and will work collaboratively with church staff, Session, committees and congregants, as well as someone who is comfortable multi-tasking and remains flexible in the face of changing situations and circumstances.

What specific tasks, assignments, and program areas will this person have responsibility?

In partnership with other staff and lay leadership of SHPC, this Associate will be asked to provide leadership with our Outreach/Missions Division and related committees, as well as our Congregational Life Division and related committees. Our prayer is that by focusing on closer

connections with our mission partners both locally and globally we will deepen the “outward” experience of God’s gracious love. In addition, this Associate Pastor will provide strategic “inward” leadership in order to refresh our invitational pathways, deepening commitment and discipleship by engaging those at various stages of connection and fellowship within the congregation. Other duties will include preaching four to five times per year, providing pastoral care through visitation, attending session meetings, and other duties as assigned.

Please send Personal Information Form (PIF) with cover letter to Margaret Ritchie, member of the Associate Pastor Nominating Committee,

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