Solo Pastor, Pebble Hill Presbyterian Church, DeWitt, NY

Listed: 12-13-22

Employer: Pebble Hill Presbyterian Church | 5299 Jamesville Road | DeWitt, NY 13214


Location: DeWitt, NY

Type: Full-time

Contact: Pastoral Nominating Committee

Download: Job Description 

Pebble Hill Presbyterian Church is currently seeking a sole pastor who is spiritually grounded, intellectually curious, compassionate, and forward-thinking. PHPC has a history of community engagement and a commitment to social justice.  Our congregation thrives on preaching that enriches and propels us to expand our thinking and motivates action.  We are nourished through inspiring music and the loving nature of our faith community.  We seek someone who is flexible, has a sense of humor, and flourishes in contexts where collaboration in leadership is the norm.

Position tasks include worship leadership & preaching, pastoral care, oversight of Christian education, moderating the Session, representing the congregation to outside groups that use our facility, assisting committees with guidance and insights as needed, participating and motivating members to become more active in social justice and mission projects.

PHPC was formed in 1956 in a suburb of Syracuse, NY.  The church is located less than five miles from Syracuse University and Upstate Medical University, along with other institutions of higher education, multiple hospitals, and successful manufacturing facilities. We enjoy the benefits of a city with close proximity to the Finger Lakes, a pleasant drive to the Adirondacks, and a multitude of hiking and biking options in the immediate area, including those associated with the Erie Canal corridor. Onondaga County is on the cusp of major growth due to its selection as the site for an investment of $100 billion over ten years by Micron computer chip company.

To receive more information or to express interest in the position, please email the Pastoral Nominating Committee at


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Director of Doctor of Ministry Programs, McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, IL


Associate Pastor, Sequoyah Hills Presbyterian Church, Knoxville, TN