Interim Pastor - Clinton, WI

Listed: 08-19-2022

Employer: First Presbyterian Church of Clinton - 312 Church Street Clinton, WI 53525 | 608-676-5400 |

Location: Clinton, WI

First Presbyterian Church of Clinton is seeking a full-time Interim Pastor.

Download: Job Description: Interim Pastor | MIF

Position description: Interim Pastor

Our Interim Pastor will assume full-time duties (40 hrs) as the Pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Clinton. He/She will carry on existing programs of the church and will assist in new projects that the church might undertake. First Presbyterian Church does not want to stand still while in search of a new Pastor. The Interim Pastor will be expected to be a strong administrator. We will need enthusiastic support and guidance to keep the positive attitudes and momentum in our church and our church family.

Interim Duties:

o Engage interim tasks described in the Presbytery of Milwaukee’s Interim Ministry Expectations

o Be well versed in conflict management

o Help us to build bridges in order to bring unity back to our congregation

o Model and equip us with better congregational communication

Ministry & Pastoral Duties:

o Coordinate and lead all worship services and administer the sacraments.

o Make member and friend visits to those hospitalized, in need of pastoral care, home-bound, and potential new members; and coordinate care with the Deacons.

o Provide counseling, crisis assistance, or referrals.

o Conduct funerals, memorial services, weddings, special events and services.

o Provide opportunities for the congregation to increase spiritual growth, share their gifts, and actively participate in worship, fellowship, and stewardship.

o Lead the congregation through educating, recruiting, and motivating.

o Support and encourage mission work.

o Help connect or reconnect those who have been isolated due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

o Stay connected to our local community through discipleship.

o Share communications with our congregation orally; edit and contribute to the church newsletter, website, and other social media sites.

o Be able to use technology.

o Be comfortable with in person service, outside service, and Facebook live service.

o Maintain confidentiality.

Administrative Duties:

o Moderate Session meetings; participate with committees of Session as needed.

o Maintain regular office hours.

o Ensure proper records are kept.

o Assist in developing the structure and organization needed to carry out the mission of the church.

o Lead and encourage the church staff and volunteers.


Interested applicants can send a resume and optional cover letter to

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