Pastor - Houston, TX

Listed: 08-19-2022

Employer: Heights Presbyterian Church - 240 W. 18th Street , Houston, TX 53525 | 713-861-1907 |

Location: Houston, TX

Heights Presbyterian Church is seeking a part-time Pastor.

Download: Heights Presbyterian Church MIF

Position description: Interim Pastor

We are seeking a part-time pastor with experience guiding and supporting the spiritual needs of our church as we prepare to call a new pastor. We desire a person who is flexible, compassionate, and enjoys the process of building new relationships and fostering existing relationships within our church community. Additionally, we are also seeking a person who is comfortable with change and can encourage and engage our congregation in the process of envisioning “new ways” to be the HPC. A passion of preaching and worship leadership is also an integral characteristic along with a desire to visit our members, both potentially new members and established members. We seek a pastor that will work well with our individual groups within the HPC, including committees, elders, etc.


Interested applicants can send a resume and optional cover letter to

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