Head of Staff - Bethesda, MD
Listed: 10-25-2021
Employer: Saint Mark Presbyterian Church - 10701 Old Georgetown Road, Bethesda, MD 20852 | (301) 530-8142 | https://saintmarkpresby.org/
Location: Bethesda, MD
Type: Full-time
Download: Job Description - Head of Staff
Congregation’s or organization’s vision for ministry:
We live out our vision for ministry through our core values. Recent member feedback shows Saint Mark to be an intimate, friendly, welcoming, open, service-oriented church, committed to Christ’s teachings, social activism, and vital engaging worship and music. We are known as a missional congregation with members from around our county. Our members believe they are transformed, given purpose and meaning by belonging to Saint Mark and by supporting programs that work toward healing those broken by life circumstances. Our members yearn to continue to advocate for social and institutional changes that reflect the values of the kingdom of God and to celebrate people of all races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, and abilities. Through our members’ time, talent, and generosity we support local and global non-profit agencies, yet remain debt-free. We are committed to fiscal responsibility and recently completed our sixth capital campaign, having replaced/renovated our facilities. As a PC(USA) Earth Care Congregation we seek to be better stewards of God’s creation. We are a worshipful people, with two traditional services on Sundays except in summer. With nearly weekly communion, a diverse music and liturgical practice, we are grounded in scripture and the Reformed tradition. Spirit and service – spiritual growth integrated with service to neighbor - lie at the heart of our common life and are the key theological basis for our faith.
How will this position help you to reach your vision and mission goals?
We intend the Pastor to use his/her skills to lead and support our congregation as we move from the COVID era into a new phase of the life of the church. This is only the third called pastor for our church that was founded in 1961. Under new leadership, we hope to carry forward the best parts of our past: continue to embody our core values as a welcoming, open, progressive, caring, service-oriented congregation.
We have also identified priorities among the changing needs of our congregation and call on the Pastor to help us to:
Create more opportunities for people to form meaningful relationships through fellowship and mission activities.
Develop and implement a comprehensive strategy to reach new people and incorporate them into the life of the church; maintain our membership base, while seeking to attract new members and supporting wide diversity.
Develop ministries that work toward healing people broken by life circumstances, working continuously towards social justice, gun violence prevention, and racial equity.
Work as an advocate for social and institutional change to reflect the values of the kingdom of God.
Help us grow Saint Mark’s online presence through hybrid (in-person and/or live- streamed) worship services, online educational opportunities, social media, and more.
Create new opportunities for service and fellowship appealing to different generations that will bring new people to join our congregation.
Provide a description of the characteristics needed by the person who is open to being called to this congregation and or organization.
Strong ability to preach, grounded in theology and spiritual practices. Links Scripture to today, so we can take what we learn at church and relate it to our everyday lives.
Sound spiritual formation skills, with a deep foundation in Scripture, theology, and Presbyterian polity.
Advocate of diversity for full inclusion of the LGBTQ community, supporter of community service, advocate for social justice.
Commitment to creation care and energy conservation.
Technologically-savvy to support website and social media as valued communication tools.
Teaching skills to nurture the study of Scripture and theological reflection through sermons, Bible studies and other programs.
Demonstrates leadership that empowers members of church staff (associate pastor, director of music, office administrator, and sexton) and Session to take risks to further the missions of the church. Encourage and equip members to be active leaders in ministry.
Creative, particularly in the area of use of resources and fundraising to financially support church programs.
Adaptable, remaining open to new ideas and approaches.
A warm, empathic, enthusiastic, energetic, creative, open-minded personality.
Excellent communicator and listener who is open and non-judgmental.
Ability to meet congregants where they are on their faith journey and guide them forward in their spiritual growth regardless of differences like age, gender, experience, race, background.
What specific tasks, assignments, and program areas will this person have responsibility for?
The ministry of Word and sacrament
Pastoral care
A collaborative, supportive and positive relationship with the associate pastor
The role and responsibilities of head of staff
Working collaboratively with the Director of Music
Moderating the Session
Assisting the congregation in the tasks of:
o Celebrating the church’s history
o Strengthening the continuing ties with Presbytery, Synod and General Assembly
o Leading the church to a renewed, transformational vision for the future
o Assessing staffing structure, as needed
Supporting stewardship and fund-raising campaigns
Leading efforts to attract new members, including equipping current members with the skills for how to reach out to new communities to invite them to be part of Saint Mark.
Leading adult education and Bible studies
Building and maintaining collaborative relationships with other local faith communities, including other faith traditions.
Judicatories: participating and serving as called upon in Presbytery, Synod, and General Assembly meetings and/or committees
Contact person:
Ms. Song Park, PNC Corresponding Secretary.
Email address: spark077@gmail.com
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