Head Pastor, First Presbyterian Church of Homer, First Presbyterian Church of Concord, Michigan, Homer, MI and Concord, MI

Listed: 09-26-22

Employer: First Presbyterian Church of Homer, First Presbyterian Church of Concord, Michigan | (517) 568-4852

Location: Homer, MI and Concord, MI

Website: www.homerfpc.com

Facebook: First Presbyterian Church of Homer First Presbyterian Church of Concord

Contact: Hope Anderson

The yoked congregations of Homer and Concord, Michigan, seek a head pastor for our two historic, rural congregations.

This is a dynamic and exciting time for the congregations of Concord and Homer! Jesus Christ and His Good News compels us in the midst of the pandemic to find new ways to make strong connections within our congregations and within our communities! We seek a pastor who will be instrumental in supporting and, at times, coordinating these efforts. Both churches offer a women’s group; the Homer church also has a men’s group which meets monthly for a Saturday breakfast and devotional time. Both congregations are involved with their community’s thrift stores and food banks. Both congregations offer free funeral dinner services to anyone in need, including non-members. The Concord congregation is blessed with several nurse practitioners and other medical professionals and offers several health programs at the church as well as the local school. Both congregations have a love for music in worship; the Concord church recently purchased a new grand piano, and the Homer church has many musical groups open to all; a choral choir, a bell choir, and a brass group. Both churches also have a love for good food-based fellowship. The Concord church has an annual Mardi Gras celebration dinner and both Homer and Concord have a fall harvest supper open to the public. Both congregations seek to provide God’s love and compassion to all those they reach through these programs.

How will this position help you to reach your vision and mission goals?

We are hoping to have someone who is open to sharing in our enthusiasm and energy and help lend spiritual leadership to our work! We seek someone who can help us build upon the work we’ve already done for God’s Kingdom, and continue to challenge us and push us to greater heights. Specifically, we'd like to have leadership in living out our mission of living by faith, being known by love, and being a voice of hope to our community. The Homer church has started incorporating technology into the work of the church, and we’d love to have someone who could take our Facebook page and our live streaming to the next level to help us connect with as many people as possible. The Concord church is also expanding on its technology use, with an active Facebook page as well as live-streamed services. An engaging pastor will effectively connect scripture to the "real world" and help both congregations continue to grow in our spirituality and walk with God. Facebook offers both congregations a way to connect with people around the world, and we'd welcome leadership to help us better leverage this resource.

Provide a description of the characteristics needed by the person who is open to being called to this congregation and or organization.

For Homer:

  1. Lives a faith-driven life

  2. Social--we seek a pastor who is able to easily interact with all members of our community

  3. Supportive

  4. Creative

  5. Has a “rural heart”---can love small-town life, but will enjoy the opportunities provided by the three major univesities within an hour's drive!

  6. Willingness to share ideas!

  7. Can delegate/use resources

  8. Someone who respects/appreciates talents

For Concord:

  1. Authenticiy

  2. Good communication skills

  3. Compassionate

  4. Good listener

  5. Prioritizes pastoral care

  6. Good business skills

Job listings submitted by third parties are not verified by McCormick Theological Seminary. If you have a job you would like to see listed here send the details to communications@mccormick.edu.


Section Leaders, Adult Choir, St. Paul and the Redeemer Episcopal Church, Chicago - Hyde Park, IL


Part-time Director of Music, First Presbyterian Church, Morris, IL