Minister of Music - Milwaukee, WI

Listed: 11-4-2021

Employer: Solomon Community Temple United Methodist Church - 3295 N Martin Luther King Jr Dr., Milwaukee, WI 53212 | (414) 372-2101 |

Location: Milwaukee, WI

Type: Part-time

Download: Job Description - Music Minister

We are entering a new phase in our congregational ministry, where our focus and gaze for ministry is pointing more and more outside of ourselves, toward the community around us. We realize the importance of a music ministry in any congregation, and especially recognize the historical as well as the present-day importance of music in the Black church. We are looking for a Minister of Music who has the faith, passion, talent, creativity, and patience to musically meet our congregation and community right where we are, and can grow with us to where the Spirit of God is leading.

Some of the Initial Qualifications for this position include:

  • Ability to work well in a team setting that includes the expectation of constructive participation as well as the ability to receive constructive criticism.

  • Proficiency in both reading music as well as playing by ear, with the ability to write music a plus.

  • Familiarity with the music of the African American religious tradition both past and present, and at least some familiarity with the history of that tradition.

  • Ability to organize, lead, direct, and publicly present choirs and other forms of musical ensembles made up of people from all different generations.

  • A proficiency and desire to work musically with children, youth and young adults.

The Main Duties of this position include:

  • Provide inspiring and worshipful music during all Sunday worship services and scheduled special event services.

  • Work weekly in collaboration with the Pastor to prepare the musical experiences and themes for Sunday worship.

  • Work monthly in collaboration with the Worship/Music Team to discuss ideas for themes, celebrations, and opportunities that would enhance and expand the worship schedule.

  • Constantly introduce new music and musical expressions to the Solomon worship experiences while fostering an interactive, inviting, and worshipful musical atmosphere.

  • Organize, rehearse, and present choirs and other musical ensembles whose aim is to enhance the worship experiences, as well as to provide opportunities for worship participation.

  • Look for and create opportunities to invite and engage the larger community that Solomon is a part of in musical expression that fosters creative community praise.

  • This is a team-oriented position that includes and presumes cooperation among Pastor, Minister of Music, and the Worship/Music Team. This position will be under the immediate supervision of the Pastor.


  • This is a part-time staff position, with expectations of an average ten (10) hour work week (sometimes more, sometimes less), with a starting compensation of $200 - $250/week. Compensation to be paid bi-monthly.

  • This position does not contain any additional benefits.

To Apply:

  • Submit resume and cover letter to Rev. Stephen Marsh at

  • Cover letter should describe your interest in the position and your experience with African American Church music.

Job listings submitted by third parties are not verified by McCormick Theological Seminary. If you have a job you would like to see listed here send the details to


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