Pastor of Youth and Household - Chicago, IL

Listed: 07-08-2022

Employer: Immanuel Lutheran Church - 1500 W. Elmdale Ave., Chicago, IL 60660 | (773) 743-1820 |

Location: Chicago, IL

Download: Job Description - Pastor of Youth and Household

Brief Description of Duties: The minister will continue to primarily work with ECT congregations (Immanuel and Ebenezer Lutheran) on joint youth and household ministries, including but not limited to confirmation, twice monthly Youth Group, special events, one-on-one interactions, trips, and fundraisers. The minister will also be available to assist in the expansion of household ministry activities (including faith-formation at home for families), adult education opportunities, worship leadership, and pastoral care (particularly for youth, parents/guardians, and young adults).

  • Sundays:  Minister will be in leadership at worship 33-34 Sundays per year and preach 6 times per year.

  • Confirmation (7th and 8th grade): The Minister will co-teach some classes (typically 3 throughout the year); Coordinate service projects and confirmation Pals (linking each student to a caring adult); take confirmands on Metro Chicago Synod events/retreats; and, when feasible, coordinate a youth-led Ascension Day worship service.

  • Youth Group:  Facilitation/coordination of twice-monthly group including 15-25 youth from participating congregations and the wider community.  This may or may not also include pastoral care and support to young adults.

  • Service and Justice: Service-learning opportunities and justice/advocacy may be part of regular youth meetings and/or also in addition.

  • Summer Events: One big event is typically planned for summer along with the ELCA Metro-Chicago Synod Youth Gathering, camp, and/or service-learning trip.

  • Budget Management: Administer the E.C.T. Youth Group Budget

  • Fundraising: Ensure all youth have an opportunity to fully participate in youth events.


  • Have a Christian sense of call to compassion, service, and justice.

  • Have a passion for and experience working with youth.

  • Committed to antiracism. 

  • Be able to serve in a multicultural, ecumenical, LGBTQIA2S+ affirming setting.

  • Be able to work with youth and families who are financially insecure.

  • Pass a Background Check (provided by E.C.T. Youth Ministry).

  • MDiv or MTS (or other related degree) preferred. 

  • Experience working in youth ministry setting strongly desired.

FTE's:  0 .75 (approximately 30 hours)

Compensation: $37 -  40K plus benefits

To Apply:

Applications due by end of day Tuesday August 2nd. To apply send or email resume and cover letter to: C/O Julia Steiner, Parish Administrator,, Immanuel Lutheran Church, 1500 W. Elmdale Ave., Chicago, IL 60660

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