Solo Pastor - Hillsboro, TX

Listed: 07-05-2022

Employer: First Presbyterian Church - PO Box 635 Hillsboro, TX 76645 | (254) 582-3473 |

Location: Hillsboro, TX

Type: Full-time

Download: Job Description - Solo Pastor

1. How will this position help you to reach your vision and mission goals?

A minister called to FPC Hillsboro must give attention to helping our congregation identify and meet its mission priority. To this end, he/she must be willing to meet with internal committees on a regular basis to explore ways to address needs both within our church and the community our church serves. Of particular importance is to actively interface with community organizations in order to familiarize him/herself with organizational priorities. Along with church members, this interaction would serve as a means to represent our church as a vital change agent and inspire the congregation to tackle projects it perhaps had not considered in the past.

Also, of importance is a leader to help guide the congregation in offering educational and social activities for members of all ages, but particularly children and youth in our church. The demographics of our current congregation suggest that we are homogeneous in age and ethnicity and somewhat insular so that we do not reflect the demographics of the community in which we are situated. We are aware that there are many in our service area who would benefit from a closer connection to a church and to the Word of our Lord Jesus Christ, and we want to reach out to others as part of our mission orientation.

2. Provide a description of the characteristics needed by the person who is open to being called to this congregation and/or organization:

Our congregation is seeking an individual who has a firm foundation in the Scriptures and looks to the Scriptures as a foundation for sermons and educational endeavors. We especially value thought-provoking messages that speak to a multigenerational audience and that remain in the forefront of our thoughts throughout the weeks that follow. In addition, we seek an individual who can direct members to resources that will help accomplish responsibilities and meet personal needs.

FPC also seeks an individual who builds relationships of trust and respect with individuals and entities both within an outside the church. As one of the most visible “faces” of our church in our service area, the minister must be viewed as a friendly, warm, and accepting individual with the ability to foster open dialogue and collaboration. Whenever called upon to speak to groups, he/she will be expected to communicate effectively in a way that helps others to recognize shared concerns and achieve common goals.

In addition, the minister must be creative in thinking about how our church might use innovative approaches to accomplishing its mission and inspire members to take on challenges that glorify Christ and furthers His message of salvation through Him to others.

3. What specific tasks, assignments, and program areas will this person have responsibility?

Our church is seeking a minister who can inspire us to take on challenges for accomplishing our mission, while respecting our history and local culture. We desire a minister who is steeped in the Scriptures and reformed theology and can provide thought-provoking sermons that encourage us to reflect on our personal and churchwide spiritual development and relationship with others.

Additionally, we seek a minister who is knowledgeable of successful endeavors elsewhere that might be adapted to our particular context to help us formulate innovative ways to carry out our mission. We desire a minister who will seek and develop partnerships with entities outside our church that have goals consistent with Christ’s calling. In addition, we are seeking a minister who will be responsive to the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of individual members of our congregation and will be attentive in terms of presence and prayer for specific needs.

Like any entity, organizational skills, written and verbal communication, adaptability, and time management are important factors in helping a church function. We seek a minister who can apply technology skills that broaden communication and awareness of activities and services our church offers. Our church also seeks a minister who fosters productive meetings, demonstrates time-management skills, and seeks counsel with the Session, in order for those within the congregation to fulfill our mission.

Minimum Effective Salary: $52,000

Housing Type: Housing Allowance

To Apply:

Contact person D’Ette Cowan email:

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