Pastor - Pearisburg, VA

Listed: 10-28-2021

Employer: Pearisburg Presbyterian Church - 114 Easley St., Pearisburg, VA 24134 | (540) 921-3161 |

Location: Pearisburg, VA

Type: Full-time

Download: Job Description - Pastor

Brief Church Mission Statement:

Pearisburg Presbyterian Church promotes Christian spiritual growth of all individuals through worship of our Lord Jesus Christ, through teaching and proclaiming His word, and through ministries to support local educational needs and service to the less fortunate.

Provide a description of the characteristics needed by the person who is open to being called to this congregation and or organization.

We seek a leader who can spread the word of Jesus Christ through worship, prayer, and deeds, including visiting, teaching, caring, enjoying being a part of a family, motivating, exciting the congregation, being a strong communicator while having a sense of humor, creating engagement with the community through activities sponsored by PPC.

What specific tasks, assignments, and program areas will this person have responsibility?

  • Conduct Sunday morning service (preach biblically and theologically sound sermons).

  • Plan special seasonal services (Christmas, Lent, Easter week, etc.).

  • Visit hospitals, retirement/nursing home facilities, homebound, sick and bereaved.

  • Faithfully attend Presbytery meetings, encouraging elder attendance as well.

  • Grow the congregation.

  • Promote weekly Bible Study and Prayer Services.

  • Maintain scheduled weekly office hours.

  • Manage services required by the congregation (weddings, funerals, etc.).

  • Moderate regular and called Session meetings.

  • Develop & Provide guidance for the Sunday School program.

  • Engage PPC with the Community through activities and programs involving youth with the goal of including more of the community in our church family.

Leadership Competencies:

  • Spiritual Maturity

  • Public Communicator

  • Technologically Savvy

  • Risk Taker

  • Decision Making

  • Organizational Agility

  • Strategy and Vision

  • Collaboration

  • Initiative

  • Flexibility

Minimum Effective Salary: $43,625

Housing Type: Housing Allowance

To Apply:

Please submit resumes via email to Michael Nevergold, Chair PNC, at

Job listings submitted by third parties are not verified by McCormick Theological Seminary. If you have a job you would like to see listed here send the details to


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