Senior Pastor, United Baptist Church, Chicago, IL

Listed: 02-28-2023

Employer: United Baptist Church | 4242 West Roosevelt Road, Chicago, IL 60624 | (773) 722-4357

Location: Chicago, IL


Job posting

United Baptist Church, located in Chicago, IL, is seeking a full-time Senior Pastor to lead a Christian body of believers focused on claiming our Community for Christ, Serving God through Serving Humanity, as commissioned by Jesus Christ, Matthew 28:16-20.

Under the direction of the Holy Spirit, the Senior Pastor of United Baptist Church will lead this mandate and be responsible to God and the church for:

  • Proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ

  • Using skills in administrative leadership to provide vision and direction for ministry and community outreach

  • Engage in pastoral care ministries to meet the needs of persons in the church and in the community

  • Serve as the chief administrator of the ministerial and vocational staff, shepherd of our flock and visionary for God’s plan for our congregation and the community we serve.


  • Devout personal faith as a baptized believer in Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior

  • Gifted by the Holy Spirit, with emphasis in the gift of leadership, stewardship, discernment and administration

  • A godly call to the pastorate to be “set apart” as God’s servant in ministry

  • Demonstration of sound spiritual and moral character and lifestyle that complies with biblical qualifications as defined in 1 Timothy 3:1-7

  • Must be a licensed Baptist Minister, in accordance with the Baptist Church with at least 5 years in a Ministerial capacity (e.g. Associate Pastor, Assistant Pastor, Youth Pastor, etc.) at a Christian Church or Fellowship

  • Minimum of 2 years in seminary training. College graduate preferred

  • A clear understanding of the Baptist Church Doctrine

  • Embrace the current vision/mandate and foundational precepts of United Church’s covenant; ultimately through prayer, study and shepherding the congregation to provide continued clear vision for the church’s future mandate, themes, objectives, etc.

Job listings submitted by third parties are not verified by McCormick Theological Seminary. If you have a job you would like to see listed here send the details to


Director of Student Ministry, First Presbyterian Church of Wheaton, Wheaton, Illinois


Associate Pastor, Lowcountry Presbyterian Church, Bluffton, South Carolina