Associate Pastor, Lowcountry Presbyterian Church, Bluffton, South Carolina

Listed: 02-28-2023

Employer: Lowcountry Presbyterian Church | 10 Simmonsville Rd., Bluffton, SC 29910 | (843) 815-6570

Location: Bluffton, South Carolina


Contact: Jan Cantanese

Job description

Church mission statement:

Surrounded by God's grace, we are a family of faith joined together through Christ, offering meaning and hope to all by the way we worship, serve, and live.

How will this position help you to reach your vision and mission goals:

It will:

  • Provide leadership and support for our efforts in faith formation, social witness and environmental justice.

  • Help identify and support the church’s involvement in ecumenical activities with other congregations and service to our community and beyond.

  • Share in providing pastoral care and counseling to our members.

  • Offer another fresh voice and perspective for preaching the Gospel and leading worship.

  • Continue to work with the congregation on reaching out to people of all ages to share the love of Christ.

  • Expand the use of social media and technology in an innovative way as we seek to bring “meaning and hope to all by the way we worship, serve, and live”.

What specific tasks, assignments, and program areas will this person have responsibility?

  • Strengthen and expand LPC’s faith formation ministry to build disciples of all ages

  • Work collaboratively with ministry teams to develop new ways to reach out to multiple age groups

  • Help develop creative use of on-line and live stream technologies to widen the breadth and depth of LPC’s outreach

  • Participate regularly in worship and preaching

  • Assist with pastoral care

  • Lead Social Witness team to further efforts to educate the congregation and the community on working to bring change on issues affecting “the least of these”

  • Equip members to participate and lead ministries

  • Teach and assist with programs and ministries as needed

  • Work collaboratively with Senior Pastor to embody the mission/vision of the church

  • Additional duties and tasks as assigned by Senior Pastor

Job listings submitted by third parties are not verified by McCormick Theological Seminary. If you have a job you would like to see listed here send the details to


Senior Pastor, United Baptist Church, Chicago, IL


Solo Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Leavenworth, Kansas