Solo Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Leavenworth, Kansas

Listed: 02-28-2023

Employer: First Presbyterian Church | 407 Walnut Street, Leavenworth, KS | 913-682-6891

Location: Leavenworth, Kansas



Job description

Church mission statement:

We will love God with all our being and our neighbors as ourselves. We will nurture a vibrant congregation growing in faith and serving the Lord in our church and community.

What is the congregation’s or organization’s vision for ministry:

Oftentimes during worship, when the congregation is standing to sing a hymn, we can hear the familiar shaking sound of Mellow the Service Dog as he rises for the hymn. It is a reminder that all living creatures, including Mellow and his companion, a military veteran, seek to be in a welcoming and safe space. Embedded in our mission statement are the verbs love, nurture, grow, and serve. Embedded in our congregation are retired and active-duty military members, grandparents, foster parents, gay and lesbian couples, activists, spiritual sojourners – all seeking to embody God’s love in an oftentimes conflicted and hurting world. We seek to live out our mission as a small beam of light in North Leavenworth, a crossroads of many people, where we create a safe space to bring our questions, listen to each other, and listen for God’s still small voice. We seek to live out this mission as we love God and neighbor; nurture our life in the Spirit together; grow in our capacity to be an expansive community of welcome; and serve Christ as we journey with Christ. We welcome ALL into our church family: young and old; wealthy and poor; liberal and conservative; all sexual orientations; and all races and cultures.

How will this position help you to reach your vision and mission goals:

We are searching for a partner willing to roll up their sleeves with us and help focus our mission and vision on our journey forward. There are many talents each member brings to the church family. We have demonstrated a strong willingness and determination to provide direct mission service along with financial support, even during the COVID pandemic. Our members are highly educated and spiritually fed - served by positive, thought-provoking worship services that include a strong music program. This allows our members to take God’s work into the week wherever they go serving God in their daily life. There has been an honest movement in our church toward being an inclusive congregation. We seek a pastor who will help us continue this walk by sharing theological support, guiding thoughtful study of mindful discipleship, and encouraging the realistic use of members' time, talents, and treasures. We strive to be a friendly church family which feels like home to members and others who have passed through our doors. We need someone who will walk with us and share our discernment as we question and explore where God is leading us to serve in this post COVID, electronically influenced world.

What specific tasks, assignments, and program areas will this person have responsibility?

We look forward to being inspired by our pastors' sermons and leadership! Your energy and ideas will help lift up and grow the congregation. Your work with our Session and its programs will cover all key areas of administration, worship, education, and mission/outreach. The deacons are a joyous group working on member care, meals, and shepherding. The Session members and deacons are hard-working, dedicated, and capable, which will ease the work of the pastor. Your input is needed to guide the worship committee and other committees. Members and others associated with the church will look forward to spending time with you during identified office hours.

Specific tasks and assignments include, but will not necessarily be limited to:

• Plan, prepare and direct worship services coordinating with the Worship Committee,

• Provide counseling and spiritual leadership directly to church members and their families, including in home or at other facilities,

• Guide the mission and outreach programs of the church and participate in activities, when possible,

• Advise the Session and its committees regarding the church’s educational programs and curriculum,

• Provide administrative leadership for the church, including participation in Committee meetings as time allows,

• Provide information to the personnel committee regarding performance of staff

Job listings submitted by third parties are not verified by McCormick Theological Seminary. If you have a job you would like to see listed here send the details to


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