Part-time ministry team positions, City Church San Francisco, San Francisco, California

Listed: 02-28-2023

Employer: City Church San Francisco | 2460 Sutter St, San Francisco CA 94115 | 415 346-6994

Location: San Francisco, California



We are hiring for the following positions. Each position represents, roughly, a half-time set of responsibilities.  If applicants are interested in a full-time position, please express interest in two or more areas of ministry.

Application deadline is April 30, 2023.

City Church started in 1997 in a living room in San Francisco’s Richmond District. We were a ragtag group of people whose belief ranged from lifelong to newfound curiosity about Jesus to people burned out by religion. Since then, we have grown a bit and moved our meetings to the Russian Center, but our congregation looks the same. Many of us have been part of the faith community for years. Others are brand new to it, and still others are returning after years away. No matter what your history with faith, you are welcome at City Church.

Our theological foundation is one of the most important parts of who we are at City Church. It anchors our faith and gives us roots for an ongoing life of growth. Our Reformed tradition has much to teach us, and it also points us to the wisdom of other traditions, and of creation itself. This theological foundation is a home--not a prison--from which we are nourished, known, and sent to do God’s work in the world. 

City Church is part of the Reformed Church in America.

Job listings submitted by third parties are not verified by McCormick Theological Seminary. If you have a job you would like to see listed here send the details to


Solo Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Leavenworth, Kansas


Associate Minister of Youth, Young Adults, and Mission, Kenilworth Union Church, Kenilworth, IL