Associate Minister of Youth, Young Adults, and Mission, Kenilworth Union Church, Kenilworth, IL

Listed: 02-28-2023

Employer: Kenilworth Union Church - 211 Kenilworth Avenue, Kenilworth, IL 60043 | (847) 251-4272 |

Location: Kenilworth, IL

Download: Job Description - Associate Minister

Kenilworth Union Church is an ecumenical church community of 900+ households that is independent of any particular denomination, located in Kenilworth, Illinois. Kenilworth Union has a history of leadership from the Presbyterian Church USA, the United Methodist Church, the United Church of Christ, and other mainline protestant denominations.

This senior staff member leads the congregation’s vibrant, active, and inclusive ministry with youth and young adults grades 7+ including confirmation class, the youth mission trip, and Wednesday evening and Sunday morning youth activities. They will supervise and mentor 1–2 staff who support the youth ministry.

This candidate will bring passion and energy to create a transformative and faith-forming environment. An undergraduate degree is required. Ordination, an M.Div., certification in youth ministry, or a master’s degree in a related field is preferred. The candidate will have experience leading and planning all aspects of a youth ministry consisting of 60–100 youth, and the ability to create activities that help people find God’s guidance and inspiration, as they are sent out to love and serve God and others. Kenilworth Union will consider adapting the role and job description to fit a qualified candidate’s skills, interests, and talents.

The compensation package includes a competitive base salary and generous benefits.

To Apply: Resumes and inquiries can be directed to Sara Bailey.  

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