Solo Pastor - Lombard, IL

Listed: 01-13-2022

Employer: Community Presbyterian Church - 1111 E. Madison St., Lombard, IL 60148 | (630) 627-0306 |

Location: Lombard, IL

Type: Full-time

Download: Job Description - Solo Pastor

What is the congregation’s or organization’s vision for ministry? Additionally describe how this vision is lived out.

CPC’s vision for ministry is grounded in Christ’s teaching as exemplified by three pillars: reach people for Christ, grow people in Christ, and send people with Christ. We reach people for Christ through ministries of the board of Deacons and Stephens Ministry as they care for the needs of our congregation and the Lombard/Villa Park community. “The Growing Place Preschool” is another way for us to reach families in our community. We also provide weekly after-school programs for kids - Kids Club and Faith Weaver Friends. Our Adult Ed and Children’s ministries are oriented towards growing people in Christ through Biblically focused sermons, Bible study, Sunday school (adult and children), VBS, Seekers (middle school), Crux (high school), and retreats. The last pillar is sending people with Christ. This is a way for our members to step out in faith with the love of Christ. We do this through programs like: CPC Seniors’ Ministry team; special events and music concerts; and service opportunities (Thanksgiving Food Drive, Giving Tree). Locally, we actively support PADS, Love Christian Clearing House, and CROP Walk. Each year, we send a multigenerational group on a mission trip to McCreary County, KY, one of the poorest counties in the U.S. Internationally, we support missionaries who spread the Gospel into unreached areas of the globe. Like everyone, we have been affected and challenged by the COVID-19 pandemic. Through commitment and imagination, leadership, staff, and congregants have continued efforts to bring Christ to our community with live-streamed services, ZOOM Bible studies and coffee social hours, and gift drop-offs for children and seniors.

How will this position help you to reach your vision and mission goals?

A senior pastor/head of staff (with the qualifications we are seeking) will be one who is positioned to utilize his/her gifts and abilities. We have a congregation of Gospel warriors poised to support his/her leadership. CPC has a very strong and active member base that has hearts of gold, with a willingness to serve. Our pastor will provide leadership and inspiration for us to reach people for Christ, grow people in Christ, and send people with Christ.

Provide a description of the characteristics needed by the person who is open to being called to this congregation and/or organization.

In order to guide CPC in fulfilling our mission statement, we are seeking someone with the following characteristics:

  • Engaging Biblically based Preaching

  • Leading Multi-generational Worship

  • Administrative Leadership/Management - i.e. staff, committees, budget, ministries

  • Spiritual Maturity/ Integrity

  • Effective Public Communicator

  • Comfortable using social media and all forms of technology

  • Advisor/counselor

  • Organizationally flexible - open to trying new things, thinking “outside the box”

  • Takes Initiative

  • Teacher

  • Compassionate - pastoral care

  • Motivator - motivate staff and congregation members

  • Strategy and Vision - able to plan long-term and share vision with the congregation

  • Fidelity – To the Word of God and His teachings and principles. Love God, Love your neighbor … Proverbs 4:13 –Take hold of instruction; do not let it go; keep it, for it is your life.

For what specific tasks, assignments, and programs areas will this person have responsibility?

This position is Senior Pastor/Head of Staff at Community Presbyterian Church.

The pastor will provide spiritual leadership, pastoral care, and administrative organizational direction to a congregation of about 200. The main responsibilities are:

1. Lead Sunday morning worship and other services as necessary (i.e., weddings, funerals, baptisms). Provide and lead challenging spiritual classes and developmental growth (i.e., Adult Sunday School, Bible Study) for the congregation and staff.

2. Motivate, guide, direct, and empower staff. Our current staff consists of: Youth/CE Director, Communications Specialist, Growing Place (GP) Director and staff, Organist (p/t), Choir Accompanist (p/t), Director Praise Band (p/t), and Custodial Staff.

3. Moderate Session plus provide organizational and spiritual guidance to boards, committees, and congregation.

4. Provide pastoral care and visitation to church members and visitors. Work with deacons and elders to provide congregational care.

5. Provide oversight to The Growing Place Preschool.

6. Have social media and technology skills. We strive to continue outreach and make disciples as we grow our congregation. We have always been known as a friendly, welcoming place; we strive to maintain that part of our identity. CPC has a history of providing Christian Education to both youth and adults. Our pastor must have a heart for Children's ministries and provide support and leadership to ensure that this vital ministry continues and grows.

To Apply:

Please submit resumes via email to Dave Micksch at

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