Solo Pastor - Hamburg, NY

Listed: 01-10-2022

Employer: Wayside Presbyterian Church - 5017 Lake Shore Road, Hamburg, NY 14075 | (716) 627-2150 |

Location: Hamburg, NY

Type: Part-time

Download: Job Description - Solo Pastor

What is the congregation’s or organization’s vision for ministry? Additionally describe how this vision is lived out.

  • Reach out and bring people to meet, know, follow and serve Jesus

  • A broad inclusive faith church.

  • We live our mission in some of the following ways:

* Our services are varied and inclusive of all different forms of worship, including music and readings

* Welcoming peoples of all faiths to attend worship

* While open to and appreciative of other faiths and philosophies we remain firmly grounded in the teachings of Jesus and follow the Presbyterian tradition of accepting God’s grace while following God’s law in the reformed Christian church tradition

* We offer a safe, secure and inviting meeting space for community groups to gather

* Wayside is involved with and/or sponsors outreach ministries in the immediate Western NY community, such as food pantries, People Inc., Friends of the Night People, Veterans groups, Roswell Cancer Institute, Children’s Hospital and many other organizations

How will this position help you to reach your vision and mission goals?

It is Wayside’s goal to find a strong and compassionate leader who will help guide our congregation forward in our mission. We have faith that with this leader, Wayside can treasure our past, our present and establish a realistic approach for our future.

Provide a description of the characteristics needed by the person who is open to being called to this congregation and/or organization.

We are looking for the Pastor to have spiritual maturity, compassion, to be an advisor, assist in decision making, show initiative, be engaging, to be Head of Staff, work well with others in a team environment and maintain respect and dignity for all.

For what specific tasks, assignments, and programs areas will this person have responsibility?

The Pastor will have the responsibilities of, engage with members, supportive of church activities, providing Continue to encourage a safe friendly environment in church and community. Being open to all types of music and preach a meaningful message.

To Apply:

Please submit resumes via email to Maria L. Glass, Clerk of Session, at

Job listings submitted by third parties are not verified by McCormick Theological Seminary. If you have a job you would like to see listed here send the details to


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