Solo Pastor - Miller, SD

Listed: 06-30-2022

Employer: First Presbyterian Church - PO Box 63, 321 W. 1st Ave., Miller, SD 57362 | (605) 853-3386 |

Location: Miller, SD

Type: Full-time

Download: Job Description - Solo Pastor

1. How will this position help you to reach your vision and mission goals?

We are excited to think that this position will help us continue to meet our vision and mission goal of reaching more people within the congregation as well as out in the community. A fresh approach in worship might encourage the younger audience to return to Sunday services. We look forward to having a pastor that has novel ideas and enthusiasm and is willing to explore new avenues of worship.

More importantly we seek a pastor who would be a facilitator – making sure that those who hold offices in the church (anything from Elders to Sunday School teachers) get adequate training which can lead to success in reaching all of God’s children. Another job of the facilitator would be to help keep us in the know about opportunities to engage in worship with other Presbyterians - of all ages - from all across the state and region at various events such as retreats, youth camps and Christian concerts to enrich our spiritual lives.

2. Provide a description of the characteristics needed by the person who is open to being called to this congregation and/or organization:

First of all, we are looking for someone who is interested in knowing us – and who is willing to build relationships with members and non-members alike. We want this person to be community-minded, realizing that this is a fundamental characteristic to lend leadership to a successful small town. In addition, we want those relationships to be strong between other denominations so that when we need to lean on each other or worship together, we all will be there to fortify and assist each other’s work.

Secondly, we are looking for someone who appreciates the power of communication and how integral it is not only for making individual people feel valued and needed, but also how vital it is for building a solid church family where everyone is included. Active listening, reaching out and hearing all voices and opinions regardless of age or gender, leads to building solid relationships and keeps us all on the same page.

Finally, we want someone who is dynamic – unafraid of challenging our congregation with new ideas while at the same time giving sermons that help us think critically and relate to today’s world. Additionally, we are looking for someone with strategy and vision to enhance our church and carry it into the future. And like every congregation, we pray for a pastor who is patient, kind, loving, compassionate, inclusive and enthusiastic while simultaneously making decisions to guide the direction of our church.

3. What specific tasks, assignments, and program areas will this person have responsibility?

Leading a church brings a variety of tasks and assignments that help to inform, lead and comfort a congregation and even an entire community. Various obligations include:

1. Weekly Sunday service

2. Maintain regular church office hours – is readily available to attend to and answer congregational needs.

3. Home visits to the elderly, sick, or grieving congregants and their families offering comfort and support.

4. Once a month Sunday services for Assisted Living and Good Samaritan Nursing Home

5. Joint Easter services with the Methodist Church (Ash Wednesday and Maundy Thursday)

6. Ecumenical Services – (Palm Sunday Pilgrimage, Good Friday service, Sunday Thanksgiving service, and Unity Week service.)

7. Weddings, baptisms, Funerals

8. Facilitating training for every office in the church such as Sunday School teacher, elders, deacons, etc.

9. Teaching New Member Classes, Bible Study Classes, Confirmation Classes

10. Moderating Session meetings

11. Family Consulting

12. Youth group leadership

Minimum Effective Salary: $50,000

Housing Type: Manse

If you have any questions please send an email:

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