Solo Pastor, First Presbyterian Church of Milton, Milton, Pennsylvania

Listed: 10-31-2022

Employer: First Presbyterian Church of Milton | 47 Walnut Street, P O Box 255 | Milton, Pennsylvania 17847 | (570) 742-4491


Social media: Facebook | Youtube

Location: Milton, PA

Type: Full-time

Contact: Matt Ettinger

Download: Solo Pastor Job Description

The First Presbyterian Church of Milton, Pennsylvania (PCUSA) is seeking a full time solo pastor that will provide leadership to a congregation seeking to bring people to Christ and membership in His Church, nurture them to Christ-like maturity and to equip them for their ministry and life mission.

Located in Central Pennsylvania on the west branch of the Susquehanna river, the first Presbyterian Church of Milton has been an active congregation for over 200 years.

How will this position help you to reach your vision and mission goals?
Our vision is to have a Pastor who will work to elevate members to a higher level of service. We want to reach out to those in need, to offer others the opportunity to know Christ and all that He was and still is today. We want to enhance our faith community of all ages, from those at a young age who can grow up knowing Jesus is Lord of All to adults who want to know Christ

Provide a description of the characteristics needed by the person who is open to being called to this congregation and or organization.
We seek a minister who is spiritually grounded and motivated to bring people to Christ. He or she should be outgoing and compassionate. The minister should have the vision to see the larger picture of God’s work in the church, in our local community, and in the world. He or she should work to build bridges within the Church family and also with others as we live and serve in the name of Christ.

We seek a minister who will help integrate members in different age groups with their unique needs into the life and activities of the church. In particular, believing that the youth are our future as a congregation, we seek a minister who is committed to spiritually building them up; one who is open to creatively reaching out to and utilizing our young people in the worship service, and helping them become integral parts of the Church.

What specific tasks, assignments, and program areas will this person have responsibility?
Responsibilities include:

  • Prepare for and lead in worship; selecting and reading appropriate Bible passages, delivering the sermon, and encouraging lay participation as appropriate

  • Provide a biblically-based preaching and teaching ministry that will lead to the spiritual growth of the membership and awaken them to an active outreach to neighbors by evangelism and service.

  • Conduct communion, baptisms, funerals, weddings and other church rites as needed.

  • Be available to teach or assist with classes during the standard Sunday School hour, and other classes as needed.

  • Be available for the Youth Program.

  • Provide Pastoral care as needed; hospital, nursing home or home visits along with Deacons and administer communion to sick and shut-ins or when requested by the person or family.

  • Moderate stated and special meetings of the Session and congregation.

  • Attend meetings of Deacons, Trustees and other committees as needed.

  • Communicate proposals of programs and/or activities to the appropriate committee and then to Session for approval (if required).

  • Provide leadership, direction and supervision for any support staff (paid and volunteer) as needed.

  • Be available for any other pastoral needs of the church membership.

  • Be active in Presbytery and the greater church.

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Director of Doctor of Ministry Programs, McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, IL


Associate Pastor for Outreach, First Presbyterian Church of Greensboro NC, Greensboro, North Carolina