Associate Pastor for Outreach, First Presbyterian Church of Greensboro NC, Greensboro, North Carolina

Listed: 10-31-2022

Employer: First Presbyterian Church of Greensboro, NC | 617 North Elm Street | Greensboro, NC 27401 | (336) 373-0445 |

Location: Greensboro, North Carolina

Type: Full-time

Contact: Debby Foster at

Download: Associate Pastor for Outreach Job Description

First Presbyterian Church of Greensboro seeks to be a vibrant church of growing disciples through a life-giving relationship with Jesus Christ. We welcome all people who seek a life of meaning and purpose in Jesus Christ. We are a large, healthy church with two Sunday services, multiple education and outreach opportunities for all ages. Through these activities of worship, fellowship, education, outreach, and service, we strive to fulfill our God-given mission to be the body of Christ (head, heart and hands) in the world. We strive to be open to all perspectives and persuasions, keeping Jesus Christ and his ministry as our guide. An important part of our vision is to continue and expand our programs in the areas of hunger, homelessness, healing, refugee resettlement, earth care, and prison ministry.

FPC's vision is to be vibrant regional church of growing disciples through a life-giving relationship with Jesus Christ, with a passion for welcoming all people who seek a life of meaning and purpose, with a special focus on Churchless young adults. Relying on God's grace, FPC will be this Church through:

  • Worship that is relevant, spiritual, welcoming, vibrant, mysterious, and majestic.

  • Living as an inclusive community of faith within the Reformed tradition of head, heart, and hands.

  • A faithful commitment for excellence in children's and youth ministry.

  • Pastoral care that is responsive and proactive.

  • Outreach that makes a significant difference in the community, the world, and in the lives of members.

  • Engaging, transformative education for all generations.

  • Connecting relationships within this faith community.

  • Facilities that are welcoming, inviting, and user-friendly.

  • A staff that models collaborative leadership.

  • A Session that governs with a focus on growing disciples.

How will this position help you to reach your vision and mission goals?

The person filling this position will be expected to guide the congregation and staff principally in the areas of outreach and mission. The associate pastor for mission and outreach will be responsible for stewarding and growing two important areas of our vision: living as an inclusive community of faith within the Reformed tradition of head, heart and hands, and outreach that makes a significant difference in the community, the world, and the lives of our members. The associate pastor will recruit and equip members to serve in outreach ministries, engage with other area faith communities in community mission, strengthen existing partnerships, and initiate new ones with local and global agencies that work to relieve suffering, support the Outreach Committee and Discipleship Committee, and help our congregation discern where God is calling us to further our outreach ministries and work to implement that call. We are a Matthew 25 Hunger Action Congregation and an Earth Care Congregation of the PC(USA), and the associate pastor will help us to live out the priorities of those commitments: building congregational vitality, dismantling structural racism, eradicating poverty, and restoring and stewarding God’s creation.

Provide a description of the characteristics needed by the person who is open to being called to this congregation and or organization.

First Presbyterian is seeking a person with a compassionate heart, spiritual maturity, excellent communication skills (including personal, group, social media) and a passion for caring for and helping those most vulnerable. We seek a person who collaborates within the church and seeks to build relationships with other churches and agencies to do the utmost good by using all resources (people, funds, etc.) to further the stated and yet to be established goals. We hope for a candidate who is willing to think ‘outside the box’ to energize our congregation with new and innovative opportunities, while being creative and excited about the work being done.

What specific tasks, assignments, and program areas will this person have responsibility?

The associate pastor for outreach will have the primary responsibility for spiritual and operational leadership in the areas of outreach and mission. He or she will also be a part of the pastoral team. More specific responsibilities will be the following:

  • Lead and direct all mission and outreach initiatives and programs for the church, including those related to Matthew 25 and Earth Care Team.

  • Initiate and lead programming to address the reduction of poverty and racism in the community.

  • Assist in building congregational vitality in collaboration with the Discipleship Associate and Discipleship Committee.

  • Be the staff person assigned to the Outreach Committee and the Discipleship Committee.

  • Reach out to and collaborate with other faith communities and area agencies on shared initiatives to address the stated needs.

The associate pastor will also contribute to overall pastoral responsibilities by participating in worship regularly, preaching as needed, making pastoral visits, taking pastoral call, presiding at weddings and funerals as needed, and participating regularly in the teaching ministries of First Presbyterian Church.

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