Pastoral Resident, First Presbyterian Church of Greensboro NC, Greensboro, North Carolina

Listed: 10-25-2022

Employer: First Presbyterian Church of Greensboro, NC | 617 North Elm Street | Greensboro, NC 27401 | (336) 373-0445 |

Location: Greensboro, North Carolina

Type: Full-time

Application deadline: January 9, 2023

Contact: Debby Foster at or 336-478-4702

Download: Sid and Cathy Batts pastoral residency program application | Sid and Cathy Batts pastoral residency program description

First Presbyterian Church of Greensboro, NC, is committed to becoming a church that teaches and learns from seminary graduates in transition to their first called pastorate. Funding for the program was initially provided by a generous gift from the estate of the late Cynthia Price, a devoted member of First Presbyterian Church. The program is now being sustained in honor of our former pastor Rev. Dr. Sid Batts and his wife Cathy.  We offer a two-year position as pastoral resident to a recent seminary graduate who holds the M.Div. Degree and who is on track for ordination in the Presbyterian Church (USA). Certified candidates may be ordained to this position during their residency.

We will welcome our ninth pastoral resident for a two-year term in August 2023. Applications will be accepted through January 9, 2023.

In our residents, we seek aspiring pastors who desire a comprehensive residency experience in a large church. The primary focus of the residency program is to identify and develop leadership skills and a collaborative leadership style. Our program is designed to nourish pastoral residents as both spiritual and organizational leaders and to provide a well‐balanced start for their pastoral careers.

Throughout the term of the residency, the resident will develop leadership skills and a leadership style that will help the resident to serve God, the larger church, and future congregations. Throughout the term, the resident will participate in the following: worship leadership, preaching, teaching, young adult ministry, and church governance. The resident will also serve in a series of rotations, in such areas as Christian formation, recruitment, and assimilation of new members, congregational care, stewardship, finance, outreach, and operations. To further develop the resident’s servant leadership, he/she/they will engage in study, be mentored by staff and members, and seek out other experiences to develop as a collaborative leader. The resident will also be welcomed into the life of the congregation and community by a liaison support group of members.

For more information about the Sid and Cathy Batts Pastoral Residency of First Presbyterian Church of Greensboro, NC, please visit

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Associate Pastor for Outreach, First Presbyterian Church of Greensboro NC, Greensboro, North Carolina


Associate Pastor- Youth and Families - Grayslake, IL