What If God ...?


By Brenda Pogue

“Auld Lang Syne” is a song typically crooned at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve. According to classicfm.com, the song has Scottish roots, and is translated “for the sake of old times.” It is, indeed, for the sake of old times that the end of a year signifies a time of reflection, of looking back upon the events of the outgoing year. Many of us will gladly say goodbye to 2020, for the look back may be painful in unexpected and unimaginable ways. Let us have a good mourning for the loss and sadness that the year may have brought. The beginning of a new year, however, marks a time of renewal, of looking ahead with hope for a better day.

This is the cycle of time and life. But what if God, in God’s infinite wisdom, gave us this calendal cycle as an opportunity to grieve for old times’ sake and to look ahead with gladness. Like with the change of the seasons, God gave creation a time to adjust from one state to another. Perhaps God gave humanity the end and beginning of a new year as a change of spiritual season. Perhaps it is our time to adjust from one state to another. Ecclesiastes 3:1 reminds us, “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” (KJV)

Rejoice, and may the new year overflow with blessings, gladness and peace.


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