Head of Staff - Fernandina Beach, FL

Listed: 10-18-2021

Employer: First Presbyterian Church of Fernandina Beach - 9 North 6th Street, Fernandina Beach, FL 32034 | (904) 261-3837 | first-presbyterian-church-32034.org/

Location: Fernandina Beach, FL

Type: Full-time

Download: Job Description - Head of Staff

How will this position help you to reach your vision and mission goals:

We seek a pastor/head of staff motivated and equipped to lead our historic church into the future. Our rich Presbyterian heritage - grounded in Biblical traditions of worship and service – has prepared us for an innovative and genuine leader. She or he will encourage spiritual growth among individuals, small groups, and the staff. The pastor's support of creative and engaging programming will foster regular participation in Bible study, Sunday school, small group ministry, and fellowship. Our pastor will respect our time-honored Reformed style of worship while incorporating new approaches. We welcome preaching that challenges our status quo and moves us toward mission. Our pastor will effectively use technology to link our mission and ministry to the world beyond our church campus. Our next pastor will build relationships across our different generations, backgrounds, and opinions. The pastor will facilitate finding common ground among people embodying a variety of social, theological, and political viewpoints. As head of staff, our pastor will be a servant leader to staff and assist in the continued development and implementation of the church's vision and strategic plan. The pastor will have a consistent ecumenical presence in Fernandina Beach, collaborating with community leaders and organizations and helping connect us to the community through outreach-driven initiatives.

Provide a description of the characteristics needed by the person who is open to being called to this congregation and or organization:

FPC seeks a spiritually and emotionally mature pastor who has love and respect for others with the ability to relate to all of God’s people. This person will humbly serve with energy, enthusiasm, imagination, and a sense of humor. Our pastor will demonstrate a high degree of personal responsibility, reliability, and a healthy respect for boundaries. The person we envision God calling will employ effective written and verbal communication skills, have strengths in administration and leadership and be open to the advantages of new technologies. This pastor will provide guidance and support to our church, staff members, elders, deacons, and volunteers. Our pastor will be a consensus builder who is a good listener, able to recognize and bring compassionate resolutions to difficult situations as they arise. They view conflict as an opportunity for healing and growth. We seek a teaching elder whose passion for God's word is evident in their thoughtful interpretation when preaching, teaching, and leading small groups. The pastor will promote a strong sense of congregational community by personally connecting with our members. Our minister will be warm and welcoming, graciously assisting visitors, guests, and new members as they integrate into the ministries and activities of our church.

What specific tasks, assignments, and program areas will this person have responsibility?

As Head of Staff, our new pastor will provide leadership to the overall ministry of First Presbyterian Church. He or she will create a working atmosphere of respect and collegiality. The pastor must understand and embrace our staff's talents and goals and encourage personal growth and leadership. This person will work closely with the session to develop and accomplish the church's vision. The pastor shall become informed about the work of all church ministries, acknowledge them regularly and offer support where needed. In partnership with the worship committee and music staff, the pastor will oversee all worship services consistent with Reformed theology while including new and creative approaches. This person will provide pastoral care, leadership, and spiritual development for the congregation in collaboration with staff, elders, deacons, and Stephen Ministers. The pastor will welcome visitors and guests and encourage active participation in the church, its ministries, and membership growth. Our new pastor will promote stewardship of the congregation's time, talents, and resources. The pastor needs to be an enthusiastic advocate for our local and global mission and outreach and a colleague in ministry with pastors from other downtown churches. The pastor will be an active presbyter in the Presbytery of St. Augustine.

Minimum Effective Salary: $100,000

Housing Type: Housing Allowance

Self-referral Contact Information:

Steve Chenoweth at schenoweth@therapypartnersolutions.com

Job listings submitted by third parties are not verified by McCormick Theological Seminary. If you have a job you would like to see listed here send the details to webmaster@mccormick.edu


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