Please see the exciting career and ministry opportunities below.
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Solo Pastor, The First Presbyterian Church of East Hampton, East Hampton, New York
Listed: 01-26-23
Employer: First Presbyterian Church of East Hampton | 120 Main Street, East Hampton, NY 11937 | 631-324-0711
Location: East Hampton, NY
Type: full-time
The First Presbyterian Church of East Hampton, New York seeks a Solo Pastor. Our church is nearly 375 years old, and has a strong presence in our historic town on Eastern Long Island. We seek a leader who understands and appreciates our past, and yet can lead us into the future. We are a welcoming and an inclusive congregation. Our church members are diverse and represent our community, which is both a small town and a busy summer resort supporting many part-time residents from New York City.
What is the congregation’s or organization’s vision for ministry?
Mindful of the faithful witness of the many generations that have come before us, we know that First Presbyterian Church of East Hampton must continually reform to be able to serve God, to be God's people, here and now. We hope to continue to strengthen our Presbyterian worship, our community involvement, and our mission support, so that God might be glorified, and future generations may come to know God's love through our church.
How do you feel called to reach out to address the emerging needs of your community or constituency?
The challenge to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind and to love our neighbors as ourselves (Luke 10:27) is the basis and the grounding for our calling. We are excited and challenged to explore ways to meet the growing needs of our community-- especially to partial-year residents, retirees, young working families, youth, and Hispanic populations. We feel called to share our faith and resources with each other and our neighbors. We seek a clear vision for the future and accept the necessity for change.
How will this position help you to reach your vision and mission goals?
A new pastor will bring energy and innovative ideas into our church’s worship services, programs and activities and members of the congregation. He/she will bring inspiration and guidance to the Session, Deacons, and all our committees, while being an effective agent for change and assisting in the discovery and utilization of unused talents within the church body. We are organized and willing to serve, and will look to a new pastor to lead us toward this church's fourth century.
For what specific tasks, assignments, and programs areas will this person have responsibility?
Worship and Spiritual Guidance
Leading worship services
Promoting and supporting Christian education and youth programs
Actively engaging in stewardship
Supervising and/or leading new-member, confirmation, and Bible study classes
Reach out to the Hispanic community as well as other congregations and members of our community who are being underserved currently
Guiding Session and Deacons
Managing the church staff
Understanding the fiscal needs of the church
Continuing the development of the church mission
Representing the church in the larger community
Coordinating the training of church officers
Becoming familiar with the needs of the church facilities
Participating in the Presbytery of Long Island
Active Congregational visitations and support to Care & Outreach teams
Providing counsel and spiritual guidance
Participating in the many aspects of church life
Taking part in the interfaith East Hampton Clericus
Connecting with and welcoming the Hispanic population
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Pastor, First Presbyterian Church of Astoria, Astoria, Astoria, Oregon
Listed: 01-17-23
Employer: First Presbyterian Church of Astoria | 1103 Grand Ave, Astoria, Oregon 9710 | (503) 325-1702
Location: Astoria, OR
Type: full-time
Download: Job description
Contact: Linda Oldenkamp, (503) 325-3981
The Pastor provides spiritual nurture, religious education, and pastoral care for all congregants and, with the Session, develops and monitors mission strategies for the church. The Pastor also provides administrative oversight to the facilities of the church, including the Sanctuary and Goodenberger Hall.
The Pastor is accountable to the Session and to the Presbytery.
1. Denominational training and experience as an ordained minister.
2. Commitment to meaningful and relevant worship services, Christian Education, and spiritual growth.
3. Excellent organizational, administrative, and communication skills.
4. Ability to warmly relate and reach out to others.
Preach and Teach
1. Lead Sunday worship services, and preach the gospel as it relates to the changing needs of the community and today's world.
2. Officiate at all church ceremonies, including the sacraments, weddings, memorial services, installations, and dedications.
3. Provide opportunities for individuals to reflect on their beliefs, concerns and doubts regarding Christian understanding.
4. Commitment to and experience in congregational growth, attracting new members and families.
5. Provide training and encouragement to the Session, Deacons, and committees in articulating vision and developing programs.
6. In consultation with the Session or Personnel Committee, plan for and participate yearly in educational programs for personal and professional development.
Pastoral Care
7. Provide a pastoral presence to those in crisis; short-term counseling; conduct congregant visitations, including Communion for the home-bound, sick, or infirmed.
8. Develop relationships with faith and community groups and share their needs and concerns with the Session and appropriate committees.
Administration and Leadership
9. Moderate the Session. Assist and encourage the Ruling Elders, Deacons, and committees in the effective operation of a broad range of program activities.
10. With the Session, enlist/recruit chairpersons for all committees, such as Worship, Finance, Mission and Stewardship, Christian Education, Personnel, Fellowship, Facilities and Use, and Buildings and Grounds. Act as an ex-officio member of these committees, attend the meetings as needed, and be knowledgeable about their vision, responsibilities, and tasks.
11. Train, supervise and review the work of part-time staff and schedule staff meetings as needed. Work with appropriate staff to coordinate the church calendar and building rentals.
12. Schedule consistent office hours and be flexible in other hours of service.
13. Annually schedule and participate in pastoral performance review with the Personnel Committee.
14. Participate as an active member of the Cascades Presbytery, be informed of the decisions taken at its meetings and support the mission and goals of the Presbyterian Church (USA).
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Solo Pastor / Head of Staff, First Presbyterian Church of Port Huron, Port Huron, MI
Listed: 01-17-23
Employer: First Presbyterian Church of Port Huron | 811 Wall Street, Port Huron, MI 48060 | (810) 985-6191
Location: Port Huron, MI
Type: full-time
Link: Job description
Our church / organization:
Our mission statement is to Know the love of God, Grow in Christian faith and Go share our faith. This vision summarizes our commitment to serve our congregation and community. We feel called to address ongoing needs through purposeful prayer, relevant worship services and Christian education.
Port Huron is a historic and vibrant small city in an ideal location. Known as the Blue Water Area, it takes pride in its remarkable and accessible location along the beautiful and busy St. Clair River and Lake Huron. Yet, it is close to a major urban center (Detroit) and all of its amenities as well as being just minutes away from another country (Canada) and all that it has to offer. Our new pastor will find themselves preaching in a 137-year-old sanctuary nestled in an evolving neighborhood close to the city’s downtown and waterways as well as along a sunlit Lake Huron beach during the summer.
The position:
In guiding God's church, we are looking for a full-time pastor who is able to handle many tasks. We may be a smaller congregation but, we are strong in our commitment to our members as well as our neighborhood and excited to help a new pastor learn and grow as we follow our mission.
We currently employ a part-time staff which includes an office administrator, Christian education director, technology and social media supervisor, music director, accountant and custodian. Many members also regularly and actively volunteer to support the church.
Specifically, the pastor will be responsible for:
● Pastoral care to all in need, including visiting those unable to come to church
● Preaching meaningful, spiritual and relevant sermons
● Teaching confirmation and adult education classes
● Guiding and coaching lay preachers and liturgists
● Encouraging stewardship in all forms
● Serving as Session moderator, attending Deacon Board meetings and supporting committee work
● Supervising staff
● Assisting in budget and financial planning
● Participating in local ministerial organizations
This list may sound daunting but with God's help our new pastor can count on the welcoming and family atmosphere of this congregation to work with him/her to achieve our mission.
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Director of Youth Ministries, The First Presbyterian Church of Arlington Heights, Arlington Heights, IL
Listed: 01-11-23
Employer: The First Presbyterian Church of Arlington Heights | 302 N. Dunton Ave. Arlington Heights, IL 60004 | 847-255-5900
Location: Arlington Heights, IL
Type: Part-time
The First Presbyterian Church of Arlington Heights is looking for a Director of Youth Ministries to provide leadership and support for all programming and events that affect 6th grade through college students. By working in conjunction with the Youth Ministries Committee, the Director of Youth Ministries will create community, fellowship, and education within youth ministries at First Presbyterian Church of Arlington Heights.
1. Envision and develop the youth ministries program, following or creating curriculum for youth Sunday school and youth groups.
2. Guide, administer, and support 6th/7th grade Sunday school (“Y-Search”), 8th grade Sunday school (“Confirmation”) and High School Sunday school, leading classes where necessary and guiding, training and supporting teachers in their ministry with youth.
3. Create, plan and lead Youth Group for both Middle School and High School students. This includes leading Bible studies, supporting youth group leaders, and providing all necessary staff support for the health of the program.
4. Serve as staff support to Collegiate Ministry Initiatives, assisting volunteers in planning and offering meaningful ministry, mission and events for college age students.
5. Be a warm, friendly, and welcoming presence to all youth and their families on Sunday mornings, Wednesday nights, and at all youth events.
6. Recruit volunteers to support middle school and high school youth programming.
7. Communicate regularly with youth, parents, adult volunteer leaders, committees, using multiple communication methods tailored to audience and type of message.
8. Develop relationships with the parents of youth group members.
9. With the Director of Children’s Ministry, arrange for Safe Sanctuary training to be completed by all adult volunteers who will be working with children/youth and ensure that all appropriate Safe Sanctuary paperwork is completed and up-to-date.
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Youth Minister / Director of Ministries, St. John Baptist Church, Gary, IN
Listed: 01-11-23
Employer: St. John Baptist Church | 2457 Massachusetts Street, Gary, Indiana 46407 | 219-886-7769
Location: Gary, IN
Type: Full-time
Contact: Katie Young
The Youth Minister / Director of Ministries of the St. John Baptist Church will be a direct hire of the Senior Pastor and, unless otherwise directed, report directly to the Senior Pastor. The fundamental purposes of this position will be to develop a functional and vibrant Youth Ministry within the church and to serve as a liaison between the Senior Pastor and all of the Ministry Leaders of the St. John Baptist Church.
Other duties will include, but may not be limited to the following:
Conduct quarterly meetings with all ministry leaders
Make sure that all programs / events are thoroughly and efficiently planned (including but not limited to the completion of the Activity Request Form)
Make sure each ministry develops and operates within its annual / quarterly budget
Make sure ministry elections are held every other year
If there is a vacancy within the leadership, it is filled in a timely fashion
Meet with each ministry individually as necessary
Ensure that all events scheduled are not in conflict with the church calendar
Periodic preaching
Periodic teaching (Sunday School and / or Bible Study)
Development of efforts and events that will enhance the youth of our congregation and community
Strong written and oral communication skills are required. In addition, the applicant must be extremely organized and able to work independently.
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Pastor, Nashua Presbyterian Church, Nashua, New Hampshire
Listed: 12-06-22
Employer: Nashua Presbyterian Church | 1010 West Hollis Street, Nashua NH, 03062
Location: Nashua, New Hampshire
Type: Full-time
Contact: David Millner
The Nashua Presbyterian church seeks a full time pastor who is ordained in the PC(USA). The pastor is responsible for providing leadership in the worship life of the 60 member congregation. Our congregation actively worships, works and plays together as a family. Nashua is located in southern NH, approximately 50 miles northwest of Boston, with the seacoast and the White Mountains within an easy ride.
We, the members of the Nashua Presbyterian Church (NPC), believe in one all-powerful God, who creates us, loves us, and saves us through his grace, which is manifest in the sacrifice of his son, Jesus Christ. We rejoice in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We are grateful to God for bringing us together from distant locations, with varied backgrounds and views. We are committed to being a warm, welcoming family, caring for each other and offering assistance to those in need. We are dedicated to participation in local mission and broader outreach through the connectional nature of the world wide programs of the PC (USA). We are confident that by worshiping, praying, working, studying, and enjoying fellowship, with a strong faith in God’s love, we can nourish one another, learn to live by Jesus’ example, help others and spread the good news of the gospel.
How will this position help you to reach your vision and mission goals?
While Nashua Presbyterian Church successfully functions as a congregation, there is no one person to coordinate and oversee all the critical functions of an active church. We want a leader to set our targets, pace, and culture. With a strong pastor to lead and encourage our efforts, we believe we can reach more people through our existing missions and develop more opportunities to serve. We strive to live up to the words in our Mission Statement, “to rejoice in the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit” and “spread the good news of the Gospel.” Proverbs 27:25 “Be diligent to know the state of your flocks and attend to your herds.”
Provide a description of the characteristics needed by the person who is open to being called to this congregation and or organization.
Our congregation places a high emphasis on members in mission in the community. We want a pastor to be involved in these missions and in the Interfaith leadership in the community. The ideal candidate: Demonstrates experience in preaching, teaching, leading a group, and being able to work with individuals who may not always embrace change. Desirable characteristics include flexibility and creativity. Assesses the strengths of individual church members and draws them into participating in a way that takes advantage of their strengths. We want our pastor to practice pastoral self-care and maintain open communication about any needs.
What specific tasks, assignments, and program areas will this person have responsibility?
The pastor is responsible for the following: Providing leadership in the worship life of the congregation, pastoral outreach to members and friends of the congregation. Working with the Church leadership to further the stated goals of the congregation. Revised 3/2016 Preaching, teaching, promoting spiritual growth, administering the sacraments, providing comfort and care through ministry and personal counseling, moderating the session, and meeting with various committees of the church. Providing advice and support for expanding our Christian education offerings to a wider segment of the congregation, providing pastoral care, and training for Elders and Deacons. Participating in local interfaith activities, community, and global outreach, and in the local Presbytery. Encouraging and supporting the missions of the church and its fund-raising efforts. Administering the small staff (currently a part-time Communication Specialist and a part-time pianist). Collaborating with the worship and music planning committees.
Please send PIF with cover letter to David Millner, Chairman Search Committee.
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Clinician, Chicago Torture Justice Center, Chicago, IL
Listed: 01-10-2022
Employer: Chicago Torture Justice Center | 16337 S. Woodlawn, Chicago, IL 60637 | 773-966-6666
Location: Chicago, IL
Type: Full-time
Contact: Shalom Parker
Download: Job Description
On May 6, 2015, in response to a movement spanning three decades, the Chicago City Council passed historic legislation providing reparations to the survivors of racially motivated police torture committed between 1972 and 1991–specifically, the twenty years of police torture orchestrated by Commander Jon Burge and detectives under his command. This makes Chicago the first municipality in the United States to provide reparations to those harmed by racially motivated law enforcement violence. The push for reparations was driven by the lack of redress for systemic harms; the package provides for financial compensation to the survivors; job training; free education at the City Colleges; an official apology; required teaching in the Chicago public schools; and a public memorial. Lastly, the Ordinance requires the creation of a community center informed by the needs of survivors of police torture, their family members, and community members. The Center is the first in the nation to provide specialized trauma services to those tortured by law enforcement officials within the U.S. For more information about the reparations movement in Chicago, we invite you to read Reparations: A Blueprint to address systemic police violence by Joey Mogul and Chicago Torture Victim: The War Isn’t Over Yet by Darrell Cannon.
Position Summary
Under direction of the Clinical Director, Clinician provides trauma-informed, strengths-based interventions to the Center’s participants in alignment with the Center’s guiding principle, Politicized Healing framework, and Community Counseling model. Interventions include assessments, clinical counseling, and case management services. Clinician provides direction to the staff team for the implementation of treatment plans as needed and works to expand the Center’s services and engage new participants through building of relationships with other community agencies. Clinician also provides participant advocacy, broad-based community services, and psycho-educational groups to community members and participants on topics such as the impact of police violence and trauma. Clinician will work in a dynamic team environment co-creating a three-part path of restoration for community members: dismantle (political work), create (visioning the world we need), healing (individual services + community life). All services provided at the Center are free (we do not accept insurance or Medicaid), and we prioritize a non-pathologizing model of care (we do not diagnose, unless specifically requested)
Essential Skills and Experience
Clinical license required, or on pathway to attaining clinical license within 12 months
At least 2 years of experience providing case management and clinical services
Must be able to build and maintain strong collaborative, participant-centered healing relationships with participants and their families
Knowledge of research literature and treatment models around race-based trauma and community counseling approaches and willingness to engage in research activities
Comfortability applying a political analysis to mental health, its history, and its service gaps for impacted communities
Willingness to embrace a Community Counseling Model including providing educational workshops to the public, conduct and present research, advocating for the rights of participants in a court setting.
Experience working with formerly incarcerated folks, including an awareness of the unique needs of populations impacted by carceral systems and how that requires adjustments to typical service models
Experience working with and within African-American communities and an analysis of how individual service models do not meet the needs of this community
Experience working with communities impacted by police violence. Familiarity with impacts of state violence, in particular with how community members may struggle with institutional settings like hospitals, clinical rooms, etc.
Flexibility to meet in different locations
Experience working with participants from lower socio-economic backgrounds.
Understanding of harm reduction, community-based organizing, trauma-informed systems of care, impacts of torture and healing justice highly regarded
Proven success cultivating relationships with program participants, staff, community groups, and other related agencies
Experience with record keeping systems preferred
Excellent written, oral, and interpersonal skills
Familiarity with Chicago
How to Apply
Please submit your resume and brief answers to the following questions (max two pages total) to Shalom Parker at Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. 1) Describe how your race and cultural identity influence your clinical work with participants from lower socio-economic backgrounds and people of color. 2) Discuss your understanding of the various systems of oppression that impact survivors of police torture, police violence, and incarceration; and how that would impact your clinical approach to treatment. 3) How do you understand the ethics around multiple relationships when it comes to working in community mental health with people of color?
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Associate Pastor for Social Justice and Mission, First Presbyterian Church, New York City, NY
Listed: 12-22-22
Employer: First Presbyterian Church in the City of New York | 12 West 12th Street New York, NY 10011 | 212-675-6150
Location: New York, New York
Type: Full-time
Contact: Associate Pastor Nominating Committee
Download: Job Description
First Presbyterian Church is looking for a called Associate Pastor for Social Justice and Mission. We are looking for an experienced leader and energetic motivator with a heart for social justice and mission, to galvanize our congregation by broadening and deepening the involvement of members in opportunities to serve.
We welcome applicants with 2+ years of pastoral experience and are particularly interested in applicants with unconventional backgrounds and those who came to ministry after a career in social justice advocacy, nonprofit work or similar fields.
The mission of First Presbyterian Church is to challenge, equip and encourage each of its members to follow Jesus Christ’s commandments: to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind,” and to “love your neighbor as yourself.” In furtherance of this mission, First Church seeks to provide spiritual and practical guidance in interpreting and implementing Biblical teaching. Worship, education, fellowship, service and outreach are designed to support this mission and to foster the spiritual growth and commitment of all church members. The congregation of First Church believes strongly in an open and inclusive church that extends an unqualified welcome in Christ’s name to all who seek to join in following Jesus Christ, living in his grace and sharing his love.
What is the congregation’s or organization’s vision for ministry?
It is our vision for our ministries to serve the needs of a changing neighborhood, city, denomination, and world. We aim to reinvigorate our mission–to integrate it with our social justice ministries and in our engagement with the wider community through service, partnership, learning, and worship opportunities. Our eight Social Justice and Mission Action Groups: Facing Racism, Earth Care, LGBTQ, Refugees and Immigration, Presbyterian Women, Elder Care, Eradicating Poverty, and Global Missions (Cuba) carry out our mission by addressing local needs in our immediate neighborhood and beyond through service programs and direct outreach. Additionally, the Mission and Social Justice Council, composed of the action group chairs, awards annual grants and thinks spiritually and holistically about where God is leading us as a church in our Mission and Social Justice efforts inside and outside of our walls.
How do you feel called to reach out to address the emerging needs of your community or constituency?
We feel called to invest more of our energy and resources in furtherance of our mission in the areas of elder care, urban housing and poverty including food and housing insecurity; racial, socioeconomic, and gender-based inequality; refugee and immigration support; earth care and stewardship; and the commitment to nurturing relationships and community-based in Christian love. We also are eager to discover the other areas a new Associate Pastor’s vision will highlight so that the Word may be heard and lived boldly in New York City and wherever our programs may reach.
How will this position help you to reach your vision and mission goals?
This position will energize the congregation by broadening and deepening the involvement of members and constituents in the community through expanding existing programs and adding new ones. Through these programs, we will have practical opportunities to show our love for our neighbors as is our mission. It will address the needs of the congregation and help to develop opportunities to serve, support, and advocate in areas and ways appropriate for the congregation.
Provide a description of the characteristics needed by the person who is open to being called to this congregation and or organization.
The congregation expressed a desire to call an experienced leader in the area of urban mission, social justice, and ministry with vision, compassion, and a hopeful outlook as important qualities. We are looking for an energetic motivator and collaborator to strengthen our congregants and community. We believe someone with a proven commitment to - and experience in – inspiring, motivating, and managing volunteers will best suit our needs. We want to be galvanized in partnership with this leader.
What specific tasks, assignments, and program areas will this person have responsibility?
We ask that the Associate Pastor undertake a mission of social justice and outreach, engaging directly with the congregation and working in partnership with other aligned mission-driven organizations in New York City and elsewhere, to create more fellowship opportunities for new and existing members to get connected, to build a more involved congregation across age groups, and provide opportunities for service, advocacy, and mission.
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Director of Doctor of Ministry Programs, McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, IL
Listed: 12-15-2022
Employer: McCormick Theological Seminary | 5460 S. University, Chicago, IL 60615 | 773-947-6300 |
Location: Chicago, IL
Type: Full-time
Download: Director of Doctor of Ministry Programs
McCormick Theological Seminary invites applications for the position of Director of DMIN Programs beginning February 01, 2023, or as mutually convenient. We seek candidates with a DMIN degree or other terminal degrees (PhD, EdD) with at least five years in a ministry setting. Strong candidates possess demonstrated effectiveness in ministry, pastoral creativity and enthusiasm in order to help participants envision new possibilities in their ministry through a rigorous and innovative academic program. Candidates who possess a collegial leadership style, with obvious competence in administration and coordination as well as those who can model cross-cultural and ecumenical/interfaith competence will be highly considered. The ability to work collaboratively and cooperatively with colleagues, participants in the program, as well as network partners in denominations and other schools will be an asset in this position. Proven competence in research methods and the ability to model these skills through publications in various media – whether writing, visual, recording, broadcasting, etc. – are highly valued gifts.
As a member of the faculty, candidates will possess the capacity to teach at least one course a year in the program, guide the development of research theses, as well as integrate social scientific insights into theology and the practice of ministry. This nontenurable administrative-faculty position comes with faculty rank appropriate to the candidate’s qualifications. Find a full job description here.
Strong preference will be given to candidates who can engage a diverse community of students, scholars, religious and community leaders. Capacity to teach in Spanish or Korean though not a requirement for the position, would be an advantageous. Candidates must submit a letter of interest that includes a thoughtful reflection on the challenges facing ministry in the post-Covid era and the role of higher theological education to meet these challenges. A curriculum vitae and the names of three references that can speak to the candidates academic, professional, ministerial qualifications should accompany the application. Applicants should upload material here (Safari not supported).
The Search Committee will begin reviewing applications on November 01, 2022 and continue receiving applications until the position is filled.
Located in Chicago, IL, McCormick Theological Seminary is a seminary of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) with Reformed, ecumenical, cross-cultural, and urban commitments. We are committed to building a culturally diverse faculty. We strongly encourage applications from women/womyn and persons of color. McCormick Theological Seminary is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity employer.
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Solo Pastor, Pebble Hill Presbyterian Church, DeWitt, NY
Listed: 12-13-22
Employer: Pebble Hill Presbyterian Church | 5299 Jamesville Road | DeWitt, NY 13214
Location: DeWitt, NY
Type: Full-time
Contact: Pastoral Nominating Committee
Download: Job Description
Pebble Hill Presbyterian Church is currently seeking a sole pastor who is spiritually grounded, intellectually curious, compassionate, and forward-thinking. PHPC has a history of community engagement and a commitment to social justice. Our congregation thrives on preaching that enriches and propels us to expand our thinking and motivates action. We are nourished through inspiring music and the loving nature of our faith community. We seek someone who is flexible, has a sense of humor, and flourishes in contexts where collaboration in leadership is the norm.
Position tasks include worship leadership & preaching, pastoral care, oversight of Christian education, moderating the Session, representing the congregation to outside groups that use our facility, assisting committees with guidance and insights as needed, participating and motivating members to become more active in social justice and mission projects.
PHPC was formed in 1956 in a suburb of Syracuse, NY. The church is located less than five miles from Syracuse University and Upstate Medical University, along with other institutions of higher education, multiple hospitals, and successful manufacturing facilities. We enjoy the benefits of a city with close proximity to the Finger Lakes, a pleasant drive to the Adirondacks, and a multitude of hiking and biking options in the immediate area, including those associated with the Erie Canal corridor. Onondaga County is on the cusp of major growth due to its selection as the site for an investment of $100 billion over ten years by Micron computer chip company.
To receive more information or to express interest in the position, please email the Pastoral Nominating Committee at
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Associate Pastor, Sequoyah Hills Presbyterian Church, Knoxville, TN
Listed: 12-13-22
Employer: Sequoyah Hills Presbyterian Church | 3700 Keowee Avenue, Knoxville TN 37919 | 865-522-9804
Location: Knoxville, TN
Type: Full-time
Contact: Margaret Ritchie
Download: Job Description
Sequoyah Hills Presbyterian Church (SHPC) is located just 3 miles from a revitalized downtown and only minutes from the University of Tennessee. In most every way we are a traditionally oriented congregation, in that we desire to always preserve what is faithful and good, answering Christ’s call to be “inwardly strong and outwardly focused.” We are a high functioning well-educated congregation, yet there is a comfortable, familiar, and inviting atmosphere that abounds at SHPC. There is a balanced blend of older adults and young families with children that provides energy to SHPC, enabling us to steadily learn together and nurture one another in our walk with Christ. We also strive to strengthen Christ’s body by answering the challenge to serve our neighbors and the global community. We share our time, talents, and abundant financial resources by supporting multiple local and global benevolences and through our annual mission trips and support of eleven missionaries worldwide, we hope to build lasting relationships and spread outward the good news of the gospel.
As Sequoyah Hills Presbyterian Church, our purpose is to:
GLORIFY God through ministry, prayer and worship, as we
WELCOME all people to a journey of faith in Christ;
CELEBRATE the presence of the Holy Spirit through worship;
SHARE our gifts, talents, time and financial resources;
EQUIP people for discipleship through Christian education;
NURTURE and love each other through fellowship as a family of faith; and SERVE those within Knoxville and throughout the world in Jesus’ name.
SHPC values connectedness within both our church family and the wider body of Christ. We are a church with deep generational roots and relating personally to one another is a strength of SHPC. We demonstrate our commitment to one another and nurture discipleship not only during times of celebration but during times of challenge, as has been the case during the pandemic. We show care for one another through our Stephen Ministry Program and visitation. We are a faith- filled church where Biblically based Christian education is both preached from the pulpit and emphasized in Sunday School. We are blessed and strengthened by our music ministry, especially our chancel choir, which is enhanced by our outreach scholarship program that partners with more than a dozen University of Tennessee music majors each academic year. God has gifted SHPC with extensive facilities and in response we share this sacred place with community groups such as the Scouts and AA. In addition, we welcome our neighbors to play basketball, share in pottery classes, enjoy our playground, and reflect in our labyrinth. A chief aim at SHPC is to meet one another’s needs with the resources God has given us and create a welcoming environment for all of God’s people. Good deeds and the Good News cannot be separated.
How will this position help you to reach your vision and mission goals:
During the past fifteen years, the faith family that is SHPC has sought to be an “inwardly strong, outwardly focused” responder to the good news of Jesus Christ. Our ministerial leadership team, led by the Holy Spirit, faithfully exhibit care, concern, and God’s gracious love. Together we have a strong desire and ability to be a generous church and our ministers challenge us to live out our faith intentionally in our daily lives. Our church family is fueled by Christ’s compassion, but we can always do more. By reshaping existing neighborhood outreach priorities and developing new initiatives, we strive to further link our faith with our feet to better serve our members, our neighbors, and those who aren’t here yet. We seek to sharpen our outward focus and deepen our relational connections with our neighborhood, those in need within our local community and our global mission partners. We eagerly await a highly motivated, compassionate, and creative Associate Pastor to join our Pastoral Team.
Provide a description of the characteristics needed by the person who is open to being called to this congregation and or organization:
Our prayer is that God will provide an Associate Pastor who possesses that “something more” quality in order to lead us through this time of renewed outward focus, to help us deepen connections, and to discern where God is calling our servant selves. SHPC is searching for an able shepherd who desires to learn and develop even more fully all aspects of large church ministry and is a dynamic communicator with developing pulpit skills. We seek someone who is warm and eager to engage, embraces teamwork, and will work collaboratively with church staff, Session, committees and congregants, as well as someone who is comfortable multi-tasking and remains flexible in the face of changing situations and circumstances.
What specific tasks, assignments, and program areas will this person have responsibility?
In partnership with other staff and lay leadership of SHPC, this Associate will be asked to provide leadership with our Outreach/Missions Division and related committees, as well as our Congregational Life Division and related committees. Our prayer is that by focusing on closer
connections with our mission partners both locally and globally we will deepen the “outward” experience of God’s gracious love. In addition, this Associate Pastor will provide strategic “inward” leadership in order to refresh our invitational pathways, deepening commitment and discipleship by engaging those at various stages of connection and fellowship within the congregation. Other duties will include preaching four to five times per year, providing pastoral care through visitation, attending session meetings, and other duties as assigned.
Please send Personal Information Form (PIF) with cover letter to Margaret Ritchie, member of the Associate Pastor Nominating Committee,
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Associate Pastor, Pastoral Care and Spiritual Programs, Winnetka Congregational Church, Winnetka, Illinois
Listed: 12-13-22
Employer: Winnetka Congregational Church - 725 Pine St., Winnetka, IL 60093 | (847) 441-3400 |
Location: Winnetka, IL
Type: Part-time
Download: Job Description - Associate Pastor, Pastoral Care
Winnetka Congregational Church is seeking a part-time pastor to focus on pastoral care and spiritual programs for adults. Spiritual programs will focus on programs for women of the congregation and leading spiritual enrichment for adults. Position also includes serving in worship services.
This position will require approximately 30 hours per week.
Primary responsibilities:
Pastoral care for the congregation, to include: visitation to homes, retirement and managed-care venues, and hospitals; office appointments; written correspondence and telephone contact.
Lead the development and delivery of Christian education/spiritual enrichment programs focused on adults in the congregation and broader community.
Lead the development and delivery of Christian education/spiritual enrichment programs focused on women in the congregation and broader community.
Maintain and disseminate weekly prayer list.
Additional responsibilities:
Weekly participation in worship, including periodic preaching.
Serve as staff liaison for lay ministry committees, such as the lay Care & Calling committee, which helps to coordinate and provide care to the congregation.
Participate in church-life activities and church governance meetings, as appropriate.
Perform baptisms, weddings, and funerals as needed to support the Senior Pastor.
Provide pastoral coverage when Senior Pastor is away.
M. Div. or comparable degree. Two units of Clinical Pastoral Education desired.
Minimum of five years of church ministry required, including worship leadership.
Two years of pastoral care or chaplaincy preferred.
Experience in developing and delivering programs for women.
Ability to communicate effectively, minister caringly to those in need, and work collaboratively with senior pastor, staff, and congregants.
Please submit your resume with current contact information to Peter Egan at:
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Pastor, Bluffton Presbyterian Church, Bluffton, Ohio
Listed: 12-06-22
Employer: Bluffton Presbyterian Church | 112 N. Main St. P.O. Box 149 Bluffton, OH 45817
Location: Bluffton, Ohio
Type: Full-time
Contact: Dick McGarrity or 419-905-6876
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Director of Family Ministry, Faith United Methodist Church, Orland Park, IL
Listed: 12-05-22
Employer: Faith United Methodist Church | 15101 S 80th Ave. Orland Park, IL 60462 | 708-444-8560
Location: Orland Park, IL
Type: Full-time
Contact: Bruce Person
Download: Directory of Family Ministry job description
The Director of Family Ministry at Faith United Methodist Church of Orland Park will bless children and youth and young adults (infant – high school) in the Southwest Suburbs. They will guide and nurture the Church’s mission & vision for ministry with children, youth & their families.
Spiritual Requirements
Professes Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
Commitment to personal spiritual growth and healthy lifestyle
United Methodist background preferred
S/he should have strong people skills, organizational skills, and leadership skills, be a good motivator, be supportive and nurturing, and be able to mentor other staff and laypersons that they may serve God more effectively. S/he should promote the mission of Jesus Christ – making Disciples of Christ for the transformation of the world.
Create a safe environment for children & youth to experience the love of God and build relationships with others
Support parents in the spiritual formation of children & youth and help them connect with larger congregation
Develop existing educational programs: eg. Sunday School (weekly, Jan – Mar), Confirmation (weekly, Sept – May), Vacation Bible School (1 week in summer) and guide the development of new educational programs
Guide the selection of developmentally-appropriate curriculum
Develop existing fellowship programs: eg. Artivities (weekly, Jan – Mar), Youth Group (weekly, Sept – May), Trunk or Treat (Oct), Santa Jamboree (Dec) and guide the development of new fellowship programs
Organize youth summer mission trip (1 week in summer)
Develop service and mission experiences for children, youth and families throughout the year
Make daily ministry and administrative decisions regarding children & youth ministry
Attend weekly staff meetings to communicate and coordinate children & youth ministry with larger church ministry
Work with Family Ministry Council (quarterly)
Work with Family Ministry Council representative to offer monthly updates in Church Council
Implement the recruiting & training of the children & youth ministry volunteer teams
Ensure all Safe Sanctuary guidelines are followed
Oversee the budget process and expenditures related to the children & youth ministry
Participate in continuing education and training programs (annually) in consultation with Family Ministry Council
Care for members (children/youth) who are in need or who have not attended Church regularly
Make hospital/funeral visits as needed, especially when related to children/youth
Build connections with the local community for mission and outreach
Engage in additional duties as needed or directed by lead pastor
Additional Information
Hours: 35 hours per week, including Sunday mornings
Starting Compensation: $36,000 / year + $1000 for Continuing Education
This position will receive 2 weeks for vacation with pay each calendar year. Additional week added after 5th year.
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Part-time Temporary Supply Pastor, Kirkridge Presbyterian Church, Grand Blanc, MI
Listed: 11-28-2022
Employer: Kirkridge Presbyterian Church | 8070 S Saginaw St, Grand Blanc, MI 48439
Location: Grand Blanc, MI
Type: part-time
Download: Part-time Temporary Supply Pastor job description
Kirkridge Presbyterian Church in Grand Blanc, MI is currently seeking a part-time temporary supply pastor. Our pastor of nearly 20 years is retiring and we are seeking a temporary supply as we navigate the process of calling a new pastor. We will consider contract lengths of 6 months – 1 year for this position.
About Kirkridge:
Kirkridge is a part of the Presbyterian Church USA. We currently have an active membership of about 50 and our average age is over 70. Our primary language is English.
“Kirkridge is a community where people care for one another, and through us, God reaches out to our neighbors near and far.”
We live out this vision through our mission work in the community and beyond. Kirkridge works with several other area churches to expand our mission work despite our small size. Some of our mission work includes Food bank work days, assisting with food distributions, supporting the Grand Blanc outreach non-profit, We sponsor a Scouts BSA troop and actively engage with them on projects. We work with another church on collecting items for refugee resettlement, Collecting for FISH of Grand Blanc throughout the year and sponsoring families at Christmas. We ring bells for the Salvation Army at Christmas. We collect supplies and donations for disaster relief including the Gaylord Tornado, Midland floods, and hurricane relief. We collect backpacks and school supplies for local schools. Mission is definitely where our congregation shines.
Kirkridge is very community minded and works closely with pastors and churches of varying denominations in the Grand Blanc area. It is very important to us that we continue to nurture the relationships we have with these churches. We can do so much more together than individually.
Part-Time position-20-25 hours per week (Includes Sunday services)
Effective salary range $25,000 – $30,000 per year (Includes salary & housing allowance)
Job Duties:
Planning Worship (Sermon, outline of the bulletin, congregational prayers each week)
Leading worship every Sunday
Moderate the Session
Funerals, Special Services (Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, etc.), hospital visits as needed
Limited office hours (times completely flexible but we would like there to be some sort of schedule for members to know a pastor is available if needed)
Skills/Characteristics Preferred
Community focused
Theology and values in line with the PCUSA teachings
Compassionate, hopeful, effective worship leader
Vision for the future, encourages spiritual growth, motivates change
Effective at collaborating with and advising church elders and members
Qualifications Required
Statement of Faith
Ordained by the Presbyterian Church (USA)
Pastoral experience (Preferred but not required)
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Senior Pastor, LaSalle Street Church, Chicago, Illinois
Listed: 11-28-2022
Employer: LaSalle Street Church | 1111 N. Wells Street Suite #500, Chicago, IL 60610
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Type: Full-time
Download: Senior Pastor job description
LaSalle Street Church, on Chicago’s near north side, is an independent, progressive, non-denominational congregation with a long history of demonstrating the love of Christ through social action. We are seeking a spiritually mature Christian with a demonstrated commitment to racial reconciliation and common flourishing. Ideal candidates will have a master's in divinity or a related field, 6+ years of ministry and supervision experience, and be respected for their preaching and worship-leading capacity, trustworthiness, leadership skills, and ability to cast vision and align congregations.
The senior pastor is the primary spiritual and organizational leader of the congregation, with responsibility in four key areas: preaching and collaborative worship leading; vision and strategy for ministry; administration; and congregational and community care.
The senior pastor leads the full-time staff including an executive pastor, two associate pastors, a director of worship and the arts, a director of communications and design, a director of finance and operations, and an administrative assistant. Additional staff include a part-time director of children’s ministry, a financial assistant, and support staff for the church’s non-profit ministry building.
LaSalle Street Church (LSC) is a non-denominational church with a majority of congregants who identify as progressive Christians. He or she must be comfortable with a congregation that comes from a wide variety of theological backgrounds and has differing views regarding some external expressions of faith. For example, the church allows for either infant dedication or baptism and serves a choice of wine or grape juice at communion.
At the same time, the senior pastor must be capable of leadership in teaching a strong biblical theology that will empower the congregation to live Christian lives in the secular city or wherever they live and serve.
More about LaSalle’s theological framework can be found in our church profile and on our website.
LaSalle Street Church is looking for a person who loves God, models a life of service as exemplified in Jesus Christ, and is alive and growing in faith by the indwelling Holy Spirit; a called, gifted, humble servant leader who will shepherd the flock of God at LaSalle Street Church.
To apply for the position of senior pastor at LaSalle Street Church, please send your resume, a cover letter, names and contact info for three references, and two preaching samples (video or audio links) to
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Office Assistant, The Congregational Church of Park Manor UCC, Chicago, Illinois
Listed: 11-10-2022
Employer: The Congregational church of Park Manor UCC | 7000 S. Dr. Martin Luther King Drive, Chicago, IL 60637
Location: Chicago, IL
Download: Job description - office assistant
Application deadline: November 25, 2022. No phone calls please.
Provides general clerical support of semi-routine nature under close, moderate supervision. Provides administrative support for Senior Pastor. Operates office equipment. Activities include preparation and distribution of written/printed materials such as newsletters, Sunday bulletins, and sermons. Also answers and routs incoming calls, schedules building use and work hours for others. Will likely maintain church membership and mailing lists. Maintains necessary office supplies. May perform some ongoing, programmed administrative duties such as preparation of payroll and accounts payable. Must know Microsoft Office 365 application suite and QuickBooks. Successful candidate must be able to pass a criminal background check. Position is not remote.
Education: Associates Degree in Business or Not-for-profit management.
Experience: 1-5 years work in a church or not-for-profit environment.
Hours: 20-25 hours per week.
Reports to: Office Administrator.
Pay range: $20-23/hour, based on experience.
Start: immediately.
Note: This position is part-time with limited weekly hours for a church on the south side of Chicago. Our church community relies on the work of multiple people for every service to run smoothly, and this position is very important to the effectiveness of the entire team. We are looking for reliability, strong and responsive communication, and coordination of details in a timely manner.
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Director of Youth and Family, Covenant Presbyterian Church, Huntsville, Alabama
Listed: 11-15-2022
Employer: Covenant Presbyterian Church | 301 Drake Ave SE, Huntsville, AL 35802 | (256) 881-4501
Location: Huntsville, AL
Type: Full-time
Submit resume here.
At Covenant, we strive to follow God's Word to make disciples of Christ. Our passion is to meet you where you are and to help you take your next step. At our core, we are a discipleship church with a heart for evangelism.
Following 65 years of powerful ministry in Huntsville, Alabama, Covenant Presbyterian has recently been on a journey of transformation as a congregation. In 2018, Associate Pastor David Kling, took over as Senior Pastor from a wonderful Senior Pastor of 33 years in a smoothly planned leadership transition. However, the congregation soon came to terms with the fact they had slowly been declining and were not seeing any adult conversions. Huntsville is a highly-educated, rapidly-growing town centered on scientific research. This meant from a missional standpoint that it was critical to begin growing again and to start sharing Christ with educated skeptics. In 2019 the congregation refocused the church’s priorities to be devoted to bringing people to Christ who had either never been in church or had walked away from Church. This became a regular prayer as a congregation. The church began researching the best practices of growing churches that were reaching unchurched people, and discovered that Covenant’s organizational structure needed to streamline and become more flexible. Most committees - except for the board of elders and the board of trustees - were shut down and instead, the staff was empowered to lead teams of volunteers. In 2020 all major systems went into a digital cloud-based setup (database software, ASANA, livestream, security etc.) so that the staff could work remotely from anywhere. The church reopened quickly during the pandemic, and was surprised to see that lots of new younger people came to worship. After two years of prayer, young adults in their 20s began to come forward for baptism and conversion. In 2021 the worship style was changed to fit a younger demographic (kind of a Nashville vibe) that connects with both older and younger generations. In 2022 the church worked with the Unstuck Church consulting firm to create a fresh 5-year vision for the congregation to become the best congregation at evangelism in the PC(USA) denomination. By 2026 they see themselves as a thriving medium-sized congregation of about 500 people on a Sunday with a healthy mix of children, youth, and adults and 12 adult conversions every year.
About the Director of Youth and Family:
This position serves as the full-time Director of Youth and Family Ministries for Covenant Presbyterian Church, a multi-generational church located in the growing, dynamic city of Huntsville, Alabama. The Director reports to the Senior Pastor and supervises the work of the Director of Children’s Ministry and a dedicated team of volunteers. The Director directly manages the programming for 6th through 12th grade students, and supervises the work of the Director of Children’s Ministry for lower grades. The goal of Youth and Family Ministries is to help students grow spiritually and to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ in their daily lives. This position encourages and supports the multi-generational family ministry of the church, connecting the body of Christ across all age groups. We offer our students multiple opportunities for fellowship, worship, and service in a friendly, safe, and accepting environment.
The Director of Youth and Family's Responsibilities Include:
Organize, encourage, and assist the volunteer leaders by writing or selecting curricula and agendas for the weekly discipleship programs for our youth:
- High School & Middle School Sunday School and Youth Groups, High School Bible Studies, Confirmation Class
- Parenting Classes
Supervise the work of the Director of Children’s Ministry in selecting curricula and agendas for weekly discipleship programs for children.
Foster an environment that is inclusive of all, and make clear the biblical importance of respect and honor between students and adult leaders.
Strongly and actively support the vision to grow the number of youth in the life of the church.
Equip youth, make disciples, and engage in the transforming work of Christ in our community and in the world. Create opportunities for them to be involved in leadership roles in the church.
Prepare and coordinate action plans for exciting and interesting weekly Youth Group meetings.
Foster and support a high level of integration and collaboration between and among staff members and church leadership.
Be in relationship with children, youth, and their families. Seek out and meet with families, sharing their joys and concerns, and challenging their spiritual growth. Minister to their needs and make appropriate care referrals when necessary.
Youth Contact and Support
Personally know all youth and their families on the Covenant rolls.
Attend extracurricular youth events where possible to show interest and support for our youth. Invite other volunteer leaders to attend.
Spend face-to-face time with each actively participating student, and be aware of signs that professional assistance is needed.
Find ways to reach out to new youth and inactive youth (and their parents or guardians)
Track student participation and follow up with visitors to youth programs.
Volunteer Recruitment & Training
Build and train a team of adult volunteers to lead and support programming and spiritual growth for our youth. Maintain meaningful and encouraging relationships with volunteers to ensure they feel equipped and valued.
Establish a strong team environment.
Meet with volunteers on a recurring basis.
Ensure that all volunteers have a current background check and have received and comply with safe child training for youth and children.
Major Events
Schedule major events during the year, to include: Mission trips, Youth Sunday, Senior Sunday, retreats, annual volunteer recognition, etc.
Schedule recurring service and outreach opportunities for youth, and families.
Partner with other church youth groups for events as opportunities arise.
Encourage youth participation and support for church-wide events.
With the assistance of administrative staff and existing software, create an effective informational network to communicate schedules and activities with the youth, families, and volunteers.
Utilize the established church database programs to conduct business.
Work with the Communications Director to promote programs and events.
Establish a dedicated team that meets on a recurring basis to support all youth and family activities.
Administration Attend regularly scheduled staff meetings.
Identify annual budget requirements for programs under the Director’s purview.
Maintain required documentation (student rolls, calendar of events, student trip forms, etc.).
Weekly supervision of the Director of Children’s Ministry
Personal Development
Be a participating and visible member of the Covenant Church family, attending a cross-section of programs and events.
Attend Sunday morning worship regularly and participate as needed.
Implement a healthy balance of priorities:
- Personal relationship with God.
- Bible reading.
- Maintain an active prayer life, praying regularly for youth and their families
- Continuing education.
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Senior Pastor/Head of Staff, Trinity Presbyterian Church, McKinney, Texas
Listed: 11-15-2022
Employer: Trinity Presbyterian Church | 5871 Virginia Parkway, McKinney, TX 75071 | 972-542-4629
Location: McKinney, TX
Type: Full-time
Download: Senior Pastor/Head of Staff job description
We are a PC(USA) church, located in McKinney Texas, 35 miles north of Dallas in Collin County. We invite honest questions as we worship and serve a big, mysterious God. We take the Bible so seriously that we don’t take every passage literally and miss the intended meaning. We are intentionally inclusive and welcome all, really all, who want to grow in grace, understanding, compassion, and service in the name of Christ Jesus.
What is the congregation’s or organization’s vision for ministry? Additionally describe how this vision is lived out.
Trinity Presbyterian Church (TPC) is a warm and welcoming church, living out Jesus’ commands to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love our neighbors. Our vision is to give all we know of ourselves to all we know of God, and to do everything in love. Since we are to love God with our minds, all questions are welcome. We know God is bigger than our ability to comprehend and we’ve discovered the greatest growth comes from patiently exploring the big questions that God and life have placed before us. We do this with a commitment to be intentionally inclusive and open to discussion of new ideas.
Founded in McKinney, Texas in 1855, TPC has provided a witness to Jesus Christ and nurtured disciples since the days of gas lights and horseback rides to church. Located in the heart of Collin County, one of the fastest growing and economically vibrant areas in the U.S., membership includes residents of the county as well as numerous other communities throughout North Texas. Our congregation represents all ages, political affiliations, denominational backgrounds, races, sexual orientations, nationalities, and theological positions. There are great opportunities for further growth of the congregation as Collin and neighboring counties expand. TPC is unusual in the stability and strength of its leadership with only two Pastors/Head of Staff in the past 29 years and the same Associate Pastor for 17 years. Other key staff also have many years’ experience.
Provide a description of the characteristics needed by the person who is open to being called to this congregation and or organization.
Trinity seeks a Pastor/Head of Staff who will communicate the feeling of warmth and welcome that is characteristic of our church family. We seek a Pastor/Head of Staff who has enthusiasm for being involved in each facet of Trinity’s 5G life, one who hopes to grow in ability and in the Spirit, answering the call to serve God and God's people.
The Pastor/Head of Staff will:
have an inspiring, relevant preaching style and a readiness to proclaim God's word from the pulpit
have the skills to lead the congregation to embody Christian humility, compassion, service, and spiritual maturity
serve as an empathetic counselor and teacher, showing compassion and listening skills to deal with the joys, sorrows, and critical issues faced by persons of all ages and backgrounds
have effective leadership and administrative skills which support, develop and lead the staff in its daily work
appreciate the intrinsic value and importance of a vibrant music ministry
exhibit commitment to lead and grow an effective stewardship program
possess strong communication skills (both written and spoken) and a comfort level when addressing audiences of all sizes and types
enthusiastically affirm the ministry of the laity and its role in the life of the church
demonstrate cultural proficiency and an appreciation for our ever-changing world
What specific tasks, assignments, and program areas will this person have responsibility?
The Pastor/Head of Staff will participate freely and fully in all aspects of the life of our church, serving as a preacher, a teacher, and a head of staff while empowering the staff and congregants to manifest the Holy Spirit for the common good.
He/she will:
plan and lead the worship experiences central to the life of our congregation, including the administering of sacraments
conduct wedding and memorial services
lead the church staff, allowing it to exercise initiative as all parties work toward helping the church realize its mission.
moderate the Session and actively engage with the ministry of the laity, including the work of Elders, Deacons, other church volunteers
support children's and youth Christian education programs, LOGOS, and service opportunities
develop and implement strategies to increase member engagement
promote a variety of mission work, within the local, national, and global communities
represent church through engagement with local community organizations
provide pastoral care to our members, including but not limited to visiting homebound members, comforting the grieving, and counseling engaged couples
communicate effectively with individuals, the congregation, and larger church bodies
work actively with the staff and laity to implement those activities that foster justice and peace in the local and global communities
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Ministerial Leadership, Judson Memorial Church, New York, NY
Listed: 11-10-2022
Employer: Judson Memorial Church | 239 Thompson Street, New York NY 10012 | 212-477-0351
Location: New York, NY
Contact: Judson Search Committee
Application Information: Judson Memorial Church of New York City is Seeking New Ministerial Leadership
Application deadline: November 15, 2022
Judson was founded in 1890 as a Baptist church and in the Baptist tradition, we value the idea of ‘soul competence’ - that each one of us is capable of developing our faith in a larger community - no creed need tie us down. In addition to our alignment with the American Baptist Churches USA, we are also aligned with the United Church of Christ and the Alliance of Baptists. Our membership is broader however, including people from those faith traditions as well as people who were raised in other faith traditions such as Catholic, Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist as well as those who consider themselves agnostic.
Our Mission Statement reads: “Judson Memorial Church seeks to be a just, diverse, vibrant, and worshiping spiritual community through the pursuit of social justice, creative expression, and sacred exploration of its own Protestant church roots and the wisdom of other traditions.” Please learn more on our website page About Judson, and click here to download the Church Profile summary.
We are located on Washington Square South, in the heart of Greenwich Village of New York City.
Judson’s history includes a long engagement with a search for freedom and justice for all people rooted in Jesus’ commandment to “Love one another.” We celebrate the arts for the insight and freshness they bring to our understanding of life and our times. We welcome all to worship, to learn, and to come together at the table and share the meal - whether real or metaphorical.
Most of all, at this time, Judson seeks new leadership to join in a transformative time for our congregation. The past few years have been for Judson, as for so many churches and organizations, a time of challenge and change. We bade farewell to a beloved Senior Minister and find ourselves eager to look ahead in uncertain times to new possibilities, to new ideas, to new ways of strengthening our community and our mission. We seek to be an even more vibrant and diverse community.
Like many churches, we face challenges of finance, building maintenance and changing demographics. Nevertheless, we believe change, transformation and growth are not only vital, but eminently possible in a city, nation and world that need prophetic hope and a reminder of the deep and abiding love of our Creator.
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